Newsletter 5– August 2015

To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

I realise that I have been a little remiss in penning this missive as it is now a couple of months since I last wrote to you. Since that time much has happened and we have experienced some fantastic competitions as a section. Although we are approaching the end of our main competitive season there are still many events ahead during the winter months. Our attendance and involvement has been fantastic this year and hopefully we will continue in this vein during the off season.

 Our Senior Championship was held in August and the surprising winner was none other than our esteemed past captain and the man I always look up to! (Well he is taller than me) Mr Dick Deller, closely followed by Mr Stuart Weller. Congratulations to them both for a great performance. Another major event we had recently was our Senior Open. This was the most successful we have ever held with 94 competitors and a record number of 14 different clubs represented. Much credit should be given to Richard Wall and the committee members who supported him. It was also a testament to the support of our members bringing guests and participating themselves. The competition was closely fought and it was good to see two home grown competitors taking the prizes. Keith Panes won the overall competition and in the over 70s section it pains me that I have to acknowledge that my nemesis was triumphant again – Well done Dick – you  xxxxxxx!!!

 One other excellent result from this event was the amount raised for our club charity which was a magnificent £360. This was taken forward to the club Charity day in which a large number of Seniors supported and helped to amass a magnificent £5000 towards the chosen charity, Medical Detection Dogs. Both of these events are a fantastic way to show how good our club actually is.

Well we are now approaching the final three matches of our season and whilst it is not our most successful season it certainly has been extremely enjoyable for all those who have participated. We are approaching almost 50 different players so thank you all for supporting David in this venture. We have played 28 matches which is four more than previous years and far more than most other clubs. This, I believe, is yet another indication of the strength of our section.

So now we need to look at forthcoming events. Firstly we have the Three Club Challenge on 14th October, a medal on 21st and the final event of our summer season is the 8th round of the Eclectic on Wednesday 28th. In addition to this we have the Winter Singles, Doubles and Plate Competitions. You need to ensure that you pay Barrie immediately if you want to be involved in these competitions. At this point I must stress that there will be deadlines for each round and we must all take responsibility to ensure these are met to allow a smooth ordered competition.

As you know there are generally only non-qualifiers during our winter programme and very few competitions. In an effort to address this, the committee have decided to introduce a new competition this year. This will take the form of an Order of Merit with four rounds as follows :

11th November, 9th December, 6th January and 3rd February.

The competition will be Stableford and points will be awarded to the top 10 players in each round.

Another change in our competition format was announced in the last newsletter. This entailed the introduction of two divisions for each medal competition and was due to take place from August onwards but we all forgot. As a result the introduction of this will now be introduced in October.

The other event which we all need to be preparing for is the Annual Seniors Xmas Presentation Evening. This is being held on Thursday 10th December and we hope as many of you will come along and bring your partners to celebrate a very successful year. Rumour has it there could even be some live music from the geriatric band that surprised us last year. It will be a great night so get the date in your diary now – no excuses!!

Another event in the future is the 2016 trip to the Dorset Golf and Country Club. The sheet to sign up for this great trip is already on the board and places are going fast. If you are interested or need further details do ask any of the committee. One necessity is the £50 deposit which should be paid to Barrie by the end of October.

On a more serious note Dave has contacted me and asked that we raise the issue of slow play again. I am including his notes about this subject but from a personal point of view I believe we have all got a responsibility to look at our own practice and also encourage people we are playing with if they are being slow. Being aware of other groups and taking action if needed is all we need to alleviate this problem.

“Once again our section is being criticised over slow play.  Complaints have been made to the club following the Richard Barrett Trophy and as a result we may be in danger of losing the facility of having two tee starts for some competitions.  At one stage yesterday there was on group on the 5th green, two groups waiting on the 6th tee and a further group on the 6th green with the group in front of them having not long left the 7th tee.  This unacceptable congestion was caused by slow play further up the field.

Everyone has problems on the course at times - lost balls, etc. – but that is no excuse for holding up the players following behind.

The etiquette is simple –

            Keep up with the players in front.

If you fall more than a full hole behind the group in front and the next players are immediately behind you then you must call them through.

Always play a provisional ball if in doubt as to the position of the first ball.

If you do lose a ball and the players behind are waiting to play then call them through immediately while you continue looking for your ball.

Once you have finished putting clear the green area immediately – don’t stand marking the card or messing with your clubs and bag.

We all want to enjoy our golf so don’t ruin the enjoyment of others by thoughtless slow play.”


On a lighter note as usual our section members have given numerous opportunities to be mentioned in our newsletter. I do believe it is almost becoming a badge of honour!! Anyway sit back, relax and smile at the funny side of Golf with Silverstone Seniors

The Barrie (with an i not a y) Chuckle Corner

 Recently our esteemed Treasurer showed us all the importance of timekeeping. He arrived in Leicestershire for our match against Kilworth Springs exactly one week early. One of his fellow members suggested he be awarded “The Longest Driver Trophy”

 During a recent match against Rye Hill Barrie reached the 14th tee and looked at the ball in his hand and realised this was not the ball he had been playing with. After a short time of trying to find his ball he found it in his other hand!

 Barrie has recently been considering withdrawing his status as retired and entering the look alike market as a double for Jeremy Corbyn – This close resemblance was noted by our opponents at the recent Rye Hill match

 Trolleys Away!!

Yet again we have numerous incidents of a lack of trolley control amongst our members. A few are reported below:

 Rod Ansell lost control of his trolley whilst it was at the side of the 6th – On realising he had no control he chased the trolley and just managed to catch it before it reached the woods on the 12th. He now claims he can beat anyone over 100 metres.

 David Burnicle's trolley drove itself in to the pond by 13th green (while he was busy talking). Unfortunately he was not quite nimble enough to stop it diving in but the incident did prove that his bag is reasonably watertight from the inside.

 A message from a colleague “Terry, There was another trolley incident after you left today. The sight of Evan Gregg individually drying all his plastic cards and wallet alerted me to it. I believe he left his trolley between the two ponds on the 16th and when he looked round he saw it disappearing down the bank in a scene reminiscent of the launch of the Titanic. Hope this is not too late for inclusion,  ANON”

General Gossip

It is rumoured that our captain tried to ensure that Brian Archer would not take his eclectic trophy away from him by injuring him deliberately by running his trolley into Brian’s’ leg. Is this an acceptable standard of behaviour for a captain of our section?

 One recent captain who shall remain anonymous recently stood on the 15th Tee admiring his drive and then stepped back, tripped over a sign and ended up with his legs in the air. Not a pretty sight but he has certainly played well recently!

 Tony Peace and Richard Wall recently demonstrated the curse of the Seniors – senility. As a result of not being able to concentrate they were disqualified from a competition for signing for an incorrect score on 18 holes. How can this happen I hear you ask- Well if you put the scores for holes 1-9 on the card beside holes 10 -18 and vice versa it does create an inaccurate card. A common enough mistake for an accountant but for our vice-captain to then sign for it –Well next year could be interesting!!

 As reported many amusing things happen on our trips to Dorset. Recently a group of 18 seniors and Ladies returned for another trip. On this occasion you will be pleased to know that Jim Barber remembered his clubs, David Spink remembered which food he had ordered (just) but Helen Marshall forgot her change of clothes. As a result Rob had to take her to some nearby shops and whilst standing waiting for Helen a woman asked if he was modelling the clothes he had on – Kate Moss beware.

Well that just about covers everything I have to say this month except for one small point. Prior to writing the newsletter I sent an email to all members of the committee asking them if they had any items they wish to be included. I received one response which surprised me from Dave Norton. Perhaps you can understand it!

 Maybe you could mention who won the summer singles !!!😜

 Well I thought about it and decided it was a very good idea so well done Dave Norton and tough luck Rod Ansell.

 Anyway that is really everything so read and digest at your leisure and good golfing to you all. Don’t forget the 10th December

 Best wishes

 Terry Neve

Newsletter 4– July 2015

To all Senior members

Hi Folks

We are now in the busiest part of our season and there is a great deal to let you know about. In addition we have information about some of the strange things our members have been doing since I last wrote. As a result this will be a lengthy edition and you will need to be very careful to stay awake long enough to allow you to remember it all. I would suggest that you ensure you have your calendar and notebook ready by your side!

 Firstly we are only a couple of weeks away from the main individual competition of the year – The Senior Championship. This will be held on Wednesday 5th August with the entries closing on Friday 31st July. The sheet is on the noticeboard so do get your name down and remember there are two trophies up for grabs for the best nett and best gross scores of the day. Good luck to you all. Barrie will publish the draw to all by the 3rd.

 In addition to this we also have an opportunity to show our club off to others on Wednesday 27th August. This may seem a long way in the future, but time does fly by and we need to make the necessary preparations. The event I am referring to is the Senior Open and this is a great opportunity to bring along a friend for a good day’s competition and hospitality. You can also all play as individuals so we would be hoping to surpass our record of 80 competitors. The cost for this fantastic day is £15 for members and £25 for non-members which covers prizes and a one course meal. We already have a number of entries from other clubs so the more we can get of our own members and guests to play the better. The entry form is on the noticeboard, along with all the necessary details, so please try to support your section on this day. There is an overall competition and also one for the over 70s if they wish to be identified!! We are also aiming to have a raffle on the day to raise funds for the section and we would be grateful for donations towards the prizes. If you are able to help in this way please bring them to the club and give to Rob Marshall, Dave Norton, Richard Wall or our glorious captain,David.

 Another event, which is an opportunity for us as senior section members to join with the rest of the club, is the Charity Day on Friday 18th September. We have already raised several hundred pounds for this charity and it is hoped that we will ensure it is just as successful as previous years. The entry forms are, I believe, already up and all you need to do is sign up. The groupings are our own choice so see if you can persuade others to form a four ball and help to make the Seniors’ Section the biggest group at the event. In doing so we are supporting David as Captain and helping to further our standing in the club.

 In terms of matches we have won the last five and hope to keep this run going over the next couple of months. Support has been very good for these games but we are only halfway through the season and really need as many people to put their names forward as possible. We can never have too many players available. Please sign up on the noticeboard whenever you can.

The final event to let you know about is the Senior / Ladies Away Day at Pidley GC on Tuesday September 1st. All of the details are on the sheet on the noticeboard. Places are limited and time is running out, so if you want to join us for this really good day sign up quickly.

As you will find out later we recently returned from another great trip to Dorset. A fantastic time was had by all and we have already made a provisional booking for next year. David will publish a list for people to express their interest in ‘Dorset 2016’ in the near future so do keep your eyes peeled if you want to be part of this great trip. This will give you the chance to defeat the current champion Doug Berry who won the trophy for the second time.

 One of the most encouraging developments in our section has been the steady growth in the number of players turning out on Wednesdays, Mondays and Fridays. However with success comes issues and as a result the committee have been considering how the organisation on a Wednesday is working. At the last meeting they asked that I remind you all of the cut-off arrangements. There is a cut-off time of 9.15am for registration for competitions on Wednesdays and anyone wanting to play must register by this time or contact Brian, Richard or David to notify their late arrival.  If you do not do this you will be excluded from the competition.   Cut-off times for trophy competitions will be advised but again anyone arriving less than 20 minutes before their allocated tee time will be excluded.

Another decision at the last meeting was that for the rest of this season we will run our medal competitions as two separate divisions according to handicaps. The actual split will be set in the middle of the field but will vary each time depending on the number of players and their handicaps.  This will start for the next medal which is due to be held on Wednesday 19th August.   

As we grow we also need to ensure we are all as well prepared for our games as possible. I recently received an e-mail from David Darst in which he shared some info that had been sent out to his society and I liked it so much that I thought I would pass it onto you all. I have changed the names to protect confidentiality!!


Barrie: “Titleist 2 over here”

Julian:    “It’s ok I have my Titleist 2 here”

Barrie:  “Are you sure?”

How many times have you heard a variant of this conversation on the course?  Quite a few times we imagine.  The Rules only recommend that you put your own unique identifying mark on your ball, but these days we think it should be compulsory, it is certainly the smart thing to do. 

Let’s take the situation outlined at the top; Julian has hit his Titleist 2 tee shot into the rough, but Barrie has found two Titleist 2 balls in the same area.  Without his own personal identification mark, if the make, model (Pro V1) and number are the same and the condition of the balls is similar then it is impossible for Julian to say with certainty which ball is his.  In this case Julian has no option but to go back to the tee playing three, his ball is deemed lost.  The Rules do not allow him to just pick one and carry on. 

The Rules give you a little more leeway if your own provisional ball is involved.  Had Julian hit his first Titleist 2 into the rough, followed by his provisional Titleist 2 into the same area and both balls are found, but again indistinguishable there is an equity decision which gives Bob a break. If the balls are identical Bob is allowed to choose either ball, but it will be deemed to be the provisional, so he can proceed playing his 4th shot with the ball of his choice.  This is fairer than sending him back to play 5 off the tee – don’t ever say the Rules don’t occasionally give you a break! Remember, even if you do use a unique mark, it needs to be different for a provisional ball.

It is important to remember that there is a procedure to follow for identifying your ball and failure to follow it will cost you a penalty shot.  If you need to touch a ball to identify it you must call a fellow competitor over to observe you mark and lift the ball.  If you fail to mark the position or call someone to observe then you have incurred a penalty stroke.  This is for your own protection to prevent another player accusing you of improving your lie.

Hope you find this useful.

 One of the most noticeable things in our section has been the improvements some players have made after having golf lessons. In order to help us all in this both Rodney and Mark are offering group Senior lessons in September. I believe the sessions would be held on a Tuesday but if you need a different day and there are enough takers this may be possible. For details and full costs for the 8x90 min sessions please see the boys in the pro shop and sign up. This is really good as it helps the pros and also helps us improve our skills.

Before I let you know about the individual issues over recent weeks, there is one final date which I would like you all to make a note of. The date is Thursday 10th December at 7.00pm. The event is our annual Christmas Dinner and Presentation Evening. This is always a great evening and is the final chance to formally support our Captain and thank him for his hard work in leading the section as well as having a great party and seeing the champions receive their prizes. Please try to bring your partners and join us for this great night. Further details will be given later but for now put it in your diary.

As I said earlier there have been numerous instances of unusual behaviour by our members in recent weeks. Sit back, relax and smile at the unfortunate mishaps suffered by your fellow members.


An engineer from our section recently bought a new car. However he was not too happy when it kept cutting out when he was at traffic lights etc. On returning to the garage claiming that they had sold him a dud the salesman explained that it was an eco-car and that this was not a fault in the car but designed to cut down on pollution.

Who is this you may say – My crossword clue for you is: This man is the partner of wise and the opposite of wife. I will never make a living as a crossword compiler!

Shot of the week – David Gibbons drive from the 8th tee to the thick rough on hole 9 -A slight miscalculation perhaps!!

Recently we received an e mail from Rodney re the forgetfulness of a golfer who forgot to put both his wife’s and his own clubs in the car. I am now in a position to let you know that it was none other than Jim Barber.  The good news was he didn’t forget his car!!

Forgetfulness is a common problem for Seniors but the following two instances are both memorable:

The first one is an example that this terrible illness can hit anyone even those in their 50s. It is quite worrying that somebody can sign up twice for the same competition as well as put his name down for a match, only to have to withdraw from both a few days before because he had forgotten he was on holiday that week – Well done John Bradley!

The second occurred recently on a Wednesday when a certain member known as Trevor Jones enquired why his name had not been included in any of the groups. He was insistent that he had filled his card in but then realised that he was holding it in his hand – I rest my case.

Dorset always throws up some funny instances –The following are just a few

Jim Barber again  - Whilst a group of us were returning to our car after visiting Swanage we reached a set of traffic lights which were on red. The whole group stopped except Mr Barber who casually walked across – a clear case of jay walking or was he just wondering where he had left his golf clubs!! !

David Spink demonstrated his complete disregard for fellow seniors when he decided he fancied a different meal to the one he had ordered and proceeded to eat Trevor Jones meal. If my memory serves me right, a similar situation occurred last year.

Alan Truscott has been having a smashing time. After crashing his trolley into a tree the previous week at Silverstone He then went one better at Dorset where he lost control of his trolley on a tee and proceeded to damage the ball washer and bin. As a result he had to pay a considerable fine to the captain who as a result of his tenacious punishment of any indiscretion managed to raise the magnificent sum of £200+ for the clubs charity.

Well I think that’s enough of me rabbiting on so I will just sign off.

 Good golfing to you all

 Terry Neve

Newsletter 3– May 2015

To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

I am sure you will all be pleased to hear that I have returned safely from my adventures abroad and am able to send you the latest news and gossip from our section.

The attendance and involvement of our members continues to be very good and a range of people have shown that they are in form and ready to vie for some of the major competitions. On this topic, it is now time for you to sign up for the first board competition of our season. This is the Captains Cup which will be held on Wednesday 17th June. Remember that this is a drawn competition and you need to sign up on the sheet on the notice board a.s.a.p. and not later than Wednesday 11th. If you are unable to get to the club before this, but wish to participate, please let David, Richard or Barrie know.

We are having mixed success in our matches against other clubs although we are getting lots of people wishing to play. There is still room for even more and with six matches between now and the end of June all those wishing to should be able to play. Please remember it does not matter what your handicap is as everybody can play an integral part in the matches and it always good to have a range of ability.

The Eclectic competition is well underway and the halfway point will be reached on 10th June. Remember, even if you have not played in all the rounds so far you can still make up for it in the remaining sessions.

With regard to competitions I have been asked to include the information on inactive handicaps and you will find this at the end of the newsletter. The info can also be found on the Seniors noticeboard. To ensure your handicap is active you need to play in at least three qualifying competitions in the preceding twelve months.

Recently we had an extremely successful away day at Chipping Norton. It was a fantastic day and was very well organised by Richard Wall. With over 50 golfers it was the best attended we have had and after some good golf and a very enjoyable day the eventual winner was Rob Marshall. The photo below shows his final putt on the 18th hole. It has been a very good time for Rob recently as a few weeks ago he had a hole in one on the 8th hole. He will be one to watch on the 17th but in the meantime well done Rob!

That just about covers all of the playing news and I have very little else to report on as I inadvertently deleted my notes on the phone. I understand there is some gossip about Richard Wall but as it has not reached my ears so I will have to put that on hold until next month. However I do have some news about our captain. I am sure like me you look to your captain to set an example and to support all members of the section offering advice, kind words etc. but certainly not gossiping. As you are all aware, I veer away from naming and shaming people in the newsletter so you can imagine my surprise as I lay by the pool in the Caribbean to suddenly receive the following missive.

 Hi Terry

Hope the sun is shining! One for the next Newsletter about the control of trolleys – only this was classic buggy abuse!

 Playing yesterday (22nd May) with Fred Newport he hit his tee shot on the 16th into the pond to the left nearest the green.  Having driven round the pond hoping to see his ball on the edge, he climbed out of the buggy but didn’t put the handbrake on fully.  The buggy started off down the slope with Fred in pursuit; he caught hold of it just as it hit the water taking Fred full length with it into the pond!  I hauled Fred out of the water; he was a little shaken but undamaged. The buggy was half submerged but we managed to get all his equipment out of it.  Tony and Lorraine arrived soon after with the mule, pulled it out and towed it back to the clubhouse with waterlogged Fred and his golf bag on board.  Alan Chappell and I stood to one side, caps in hand, eyes down cast, as they passed us!  Regrettably no one had a camera handy to record the scene!  

I also need to announce that the winner of the caption competition was :

“Oh Julian, you are the greatest at handicups!”

The winner will receive his prize on Wednesday 17th June

Finally as we are all members of the distinguished  group of senior citizens (Well most of us anyway) I thought you may finds a few of these observations interesting. It is a good idea to check to see if any apply to you!!


Good golfing to you all

 Terry Neve





Newsletter 2– April 2015

To all Senior members

Hi Folks

Just a short newsletter this month as I am preparing to disappear to sunnier climes and act like a beached whale!! No comments please.

Well what a great start to the season with 50+ participants on Wednesday competitions. Also the number of people representing the section in matches is fast approaching 40. We have not had the best start in terms of results with lost 2 and drawn 1 so far but it is early days and I am sure this will rapidly change. Remember to keep your eyes peeled and when the sheets appear for forthcoming matches do get your names down.

The vice captains day is approaching fast and with 52 members signed up this is a record for the event. Well done Richard. Although the day is now full there may be a few drop outs so if you wish to be on the reserve list do let Richard Wall know. On another matter the fee for this day is now due and the £40 should be given to Barrie as soon as possible.

Another Annual event is the Seniors Away Trip to Dorset Golf and Country Club from 29th June to 2nd July. This is a great trip and we now have two vacancies due to a couple of people having to drop out. If you wish to join us on a great few days away please let Dave Symmers know as soon as possible. The overall cost is just under £300 pound for 3 nights DBB and four rounds of golf. You won’t be disappointed.

Now to forthcoming competitions other. The normal Medal and Stableford competitons will occur in the next few weeks along with the 3rd round of the Eclectic. However the first of our Major events is fast approaching and the Entry Form will be posted in a couple of weeks so do keep your eyes peeled and sign up for the Captains Cup which will take place on Wednesday June 17th.

I think it is also important that we congratulate Dave Symmers on his performance in the drive in where he only took one attempt to blast his ball down the fairway. This was a real success as prior to the event one of our members was suggesting that we would have to stand round for hours after they had observed his performance on the first tee the preceding week!

As I said this will be a short newsletter so I am now going to sign off and wish you all good and enjoyable golfing. I have also attached a sheet with the entrants for Caption of the Year. If you feel that one particular comment deserves the prize please let me know. I will be announcing the winner when I return.

Best wishes

Terry Neve


Newsletter 1 – March 2015

To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

 Well here we are almost at the beginning of a new golfing year. As a result there is a great deal to tell you. The section continues to be very active with good numbers for all three days and long may this continue. However before we look to the events of the new season there are a few matters that need highlighting to end the DDD (Dastardly Dick Deller) season in a suitable manner. These events are as follows:

 Wednesday 18th March: Senior Captain's Challenge Trophy.  This will be a Better-ball Pairs competition for the Challenge Trophy, with cup and place prizes to be awarded at our annual Xmas presentation evening.  There will also be Captain's prizes on the day for Nearest the Pin on all Par-3s.  Please sign up for this by Thursday 12th March, when the pairs will be drawn.

 Friday 20th March: Club Charity Day, in aid of Northamptonshire Association for the Blind.  Full details and entry forms for teams of four are available from the Pro-shop - for £25 each player gets Coffee and Bacon Roll, 18 holes of golf, a two-course meal and prizes, as well as an auction and raffle.  Should be a good day in a great cause - please support if you are able.  Any further sponsorship or raffle prizes would also be much appreciated.

 Saturday 28th March: Inaugural Trophy and Captain's Drive-In.  Full details available shortly, so please keep the date and come along to cheer David and the other new captains as they open our new golfing year in style!

 With regards to the New Year, we have expanded our matches against other clubs and now have a very full list of 28 matches. This is a large undertaking but I am sure with the active strength of our section we can fulfil this commitment and support David. It needs to be emphasised that anybody, no matter what handicap, can play in these matches. They are great fun and give a little competition in a non-threatening manner – it is just good fun. We really want as many players to play during the season so please look at the fixtures and sign up whenever you can. The more people available for each match the better, so if you think there are already enough names but you would like to play then still put your name down and make David earn his corn by selecting who will play. The basis of selection is to give all players an equal chance so you are guaranteed games if you wish to play.

 The matches in April are as follows:

Thursday 2nd April v Weston Turville - Home

Thursday 9th April v Bletchley - Home

Thursday 23 April v Chiltern Forest - Away

Tuesday 28th April v Hinksey Heights  - Home

 In terms of our own internal competitions our first event is on Wednesday 25th March with the first round of the Eclectic competition. Please remember that for this competition you do not have to play in every monthly eclectic round but the more you do so the better your chances. As usual each month there will be a selection of Stableford and Medal competitions each Wednesday.

 In addition to this programme we also have the Vice Captain’s Away Day at Chipping Norton on Monday 11th May. This has received a great response and Richard has already extended the number of spaces from 40 to 48. This means it is now full but if you haven’t already put your name down then you can sign up on the reserve list if you would like to take part. However if you are unable to play on this occasion, David has informed me that he will be arranging another away day later in the season, so  keep your eyes on the noticeboard.

 Away from competitions I was going to report on many of the humorous incidents involving members of our section. Unfortunately my notebook on my phone containing a reminder of these incidents has been deleted and I cannot remember all of the details and as a result I have nothing funny to tell you but I will ensure this is not the case next time.

 So that’s all folks as we head towards a new year, a new captain and I hope a successful and enjoyable golfing season. However before we leave this year and move onto the next I do think it’s only appropriate that we say goodbye and thank you to the man who has led us for the last year –

Unfortunately I cannot remember his name but if you are unsure of who I mean the picture below is, I believe, the way we should remember him!!!

Happy golfing to you all



Newsletter 24      – August 2014

To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

 This month I have decided to write the latest newsletter as I sit in my comfy chair with Hurricane  Bertha raging outside and Hurricane Eva inside! Once again there is muchto report and much to look forward to so please do try and get along to the club as much as you can 

The doubles, singles and plate competitions are well underway and if you are interested to see the present state of play the results are on the notice board. We have also played   16 inter club matches but still have 10 to go so don’t be shy – if you      have not already done so get your name up for these matches. I know, from      personal experience as Captain, that it really helps if you have lots of  people willing to support you and play in these games. Members often say      they do not feel that they are good enough but with the way the matches are played it is always best to have a good mix of low and high handicappers. The opportunity is really open to all.

Another event open to all is the  Senior /Ladies Away Day which is being held on Tuesday September 2nd  at Wychwood Park near Chipping Norton. Reports of the course are very good and it is one which is, I believe, fairly unknown to our members. The cost for the day is £39 which at first may appear a lot but when you factor in green fees, food before and after the round and prizes it is a great day  out. Indeed the normal visitor rate is £30. If you are interested the      sheet is on the noticeboard and it is filling up rapidly so do get your names down.

The first major competition this month is the Senior Open which takes place on Wednesday 27th  August. The cost per member is £15 and £25 for guests or visitors. This includes food and prizes and once again the entry sheet is on the board. We have fewer entrants than previous years so if you are able to, please sign up, bring a friend and make it a great day. The usual format is a Stableford competition and also there is an additional competition for the over 70’s.

 Next month the main event is The  Captains Charity event. I appreciate we are already contributing a great  deal to this through fines etc. but do consider joining in this event as  it is a fun opportunity for us to work as a club and raise funds for a   very deserving charity. The cost for this is £25 per member and £35 for  guests which covers food, prize money and a donation to the charity. We usually raise several thousand pounds so do watch out for further      information and come and join us.

 In addition to these larger events we also have further rounds of the eclectic, monthly medals and  Stablefords on each Wednesday and the next trophy competition is “The Richard Barrett Trophy on the 24th September. As usual the details will be on the board in advance and Barrie will furnish you with the necessary details prior to the day.

 As I said in the last Newsletter  we are approaching a very busy part of the season. Indeed last Wednesday  saw almost 50 Seniors participating in the Senior Championship. The Gross  competition was won by our Club Captain Dave Makepeace with John Bradley as runner up whilst in the nett competition I was able to put together a  really good round which saw me win with Geoff Lambrechts a very close  second. In the Eclectic there is a very close competition developing for  both the gross and nett trophies. Indeed it will almost certainly go down to the last round as was the case last year,

 Within the club match calendar the two trophies we compete for annually will be decided in the next month  or so. First we will be playing Cherwell Edge for the Siveredge Trophy. After the first leg we are leading by 2 points so hopefully we will be  able to maintain this lead. The other team trophy which will be competed for is the annual Three Locks match and here we are slightly behind after the first leg. Good luck to all those chosen to represent us in these      matches.

 Well having given you all of the necessary information about our competitions etc. I suppose I ought to update you as to other events within the section. First of all I must say how honoured I feel to be part of a section that is so superbly led by Mr Richard Deller who is without doubt one of the most amazing and talented person I have ever known. His intellect and personality are a joy to  behold. If you are wondering why I am writing this it is because he has emailed      me to say that  his legal team will peruse this missive very carefully for misrepresentation and take  necessary action. – I believe I have given them plenty to act on with the  rubbish above!!!

 However on a serious note I am disappointed that we are not showing much initiative as a section. Indeed we all seem to want to copy others. This is clearly shown by two incidents  which have occurred in the last month. First Mr David Burnicle decided to prove  that as a past captain he could also hit the black tees and rebound backwards.

 This was followed by a Mr G  Lambrechts who on a recent round showed terrible trolley control. Not only did he let his trolley go, he then attempted to chase his wayward trolley  and was unable to catch it until it had gone across a tee, fairway and into the very long grass. This is very poor as he is an ex PE teacher who has obviously let himself go to seed. (Please no comments about pots and kettles!

 Good golfing to you all




Newsletter 23 – July 2014


To all Senior members


 Hi Folks


As I sit here in the clubhouse with the sun blazing down and fifty of our intrepid members plodding round the course trying to play the round of their lifetime in an effort to be crowned Memorial Champion, I thought it was an opportune moment to pen my monthly missive to you all.  Unfortunately due to an injury to my ribs I am unable to play. Contrary to public opinion this was not caused by our Captain continually poking me in the ribs whilst away at Dorset!!


 There is a great deal to inform you of this month as we are in the busiest time of the season. Singles, doubles and plate matches are all needing completion to allow the next rounds to be drawn, so please make sure you are aware of your deadlines and all members should be proactive in ensuring they contact partners and opponents to arrange their matches. The Seniors’ away trip to Dorset is over and it was an excellent week ably organised by Captain Deller and supported by some fantastic weather and excellent golf, but I will speak more of this later. We also have seven inter club matches in the next few weeks, so if you fancy playing please get your name down on the team sheet or, failing that, contact Dick or David.


 Amongst these matches is the final Major competition of the season and possibly the most prestigious. This is the Senior Championship which is a medal off the yellow tees and will be played on Wednesday August 6th. This will be a drawn event and, in case we need to ask for additional tee times, it is essential that all those wishing to play get their names down on the sheet in advance. The sheet is already up in the clubhouse so please don’t leave it until the last minute. There will be two separate competitions as we will recognise both a Nett and a Gross Champion. This will be the second year of the Don Bucknall Cup and a new champion will be crowned on this day.


 The opportunity to really show off our golf club to others is on Wednesday 27th August. This may seem a long way in the future, but time does fly by and we need to make the necessary preparations. The event I am referring to is the Senior Open and this is a great opportunity to bring along a friend for a good day’s competition and hospitality. You can also all play as individuals so we would be hoping to surpass our record of 80 competitors. The cost for this fantastic day is £15 for members and £25 for non-members which covers prizes and a one course meal. We already have a number of entries from other clubs so the more we can get of our own members and guests to play the better. The entry form will be on the noticeboard, along with all the necessary details, in the next few days.


 Another event I wish to give you advance notice of is a Seniors/Ladies competition in early September at a course to be decided. I will let you have more details next month, but if you are interested do keep an eye on the noticeboard.


 Finally would you all please make a note of Thursday 11th September in your diaries as this is the Captain’s Charity Day and is an ideal opportunity to support Dick and thank him for his hard work during the year. Once again further details will follow.


 Since my last newsletter we have been able to crown our first major winner of the season in the Senior Captain’s Cup. It was an excellent competition with over 50 competitors and the winner was Maurice Finlay who narrowly beat Dave Norton on count back, followed by Tony Gray and Stuart Weller in third and fourth respectively. The result of our second major is now in and once again the field was an impressive fifty competitors and the first two were decided by count back. The winner of the Memorial Trophy for 2014 was John Bradley followed by Geoff Lambrechts, Eric Husbands and Rod Ansell.


 Well that’s enough of me informing you of results and future events. It is now time to let you know of some of the more bizarre goings on within our section over the last month or so. As the Dorset trip also occurred recently I have decided to divide this lengthy section into two – Home and Away


Some of the more interesting and worrying incidents around Silverstone were as follows:




  1. Our former Captain showing how dangerous he is by taking his drive on the first tee, hitting a tree and  rebounding to almost hit a new member sitting on Don Bucknall’s bench
  2. Richard Wall clearly trying to get an advantage by bribing the Captain with chips after the round
  3. Alan Truscott aiming at both captains on the 17th green and allegedly telling his playing compatriots - watch this!!
  4. Our captain and past captain      spending time during a round looking for balls for Harriet – and we are      looking at removing slow play!!
  5. Finally on a positive note I can      report that a total of £416 was raised and passed to Willen Hospice in      memory of Brian Gibbs – Well done to all.

Dorset – Where do I start?


  1. One of our newest members, Trevor Jones, showed some worrying senior characteristics when he forgot what he had ordered and ate the meal that Peter Smith, our oldest member, had ordered. As if this was not bad enough, the following day Phil Berry copied him!!
  2. David Burnicle showed the sort of perseverance and resilience that we all admire on the par 4, 12th hole where he very skilfully placed four balls in the lake until he had perfected his dam-buster bouncing bomb technique. For this feat of skill he has been awarded the UGA (Underwater Golf Award) for 2014.
  3. For those of you thinking of moving to a new club, be careful as you could easily find yourself on the wrong track or seeing things in a false way. This was ably exhibited by our former member Paul Swain who tried to drive his buggy through the tunnel to the car park and got his buggy stuck despite signs clearly warning that no buggies were allowed!!
  4. Quote of the week – Peter Smith, one of our senior members, stated that he hoped we had all put our money on him as he hadn’t been trying for the first two rounds. This was after he had stopped Dave Norton from taking a clean sweep of prizes by claiming the nearest the pin prize in two on the 18th hole.
  5. Tip of the year – Tell everyone that you have a bad back and then go out and win the Championship, nearest the pin, longest drive (280yds into the wind), but come second in nearest pin in two to an 86 year old! David Norton is able to claim all of these feats so do not believe a word he says!!
  6. Finally due to a series of dubious claims against every member on tour, Captain Dick Deller was able to amass a very impressive £107 for the Captain’s Charity through his fine system.
  7. We have already booked for the same week next year so if you fancy joining us do put the date in your diary and keep your eyes peeled.


 Well that’s about my lot folks – Sorry for the rabbiting on, but it is boring sitting in the clubhouse whilst all you are out playing golf. So if you don’t want to be subjected to so much drivel in future get your prayer mats out and pray for my speedy recovery.


Good golfing to you all.


Newsletter 22– June 2014

To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

Well we are fast approaching the most intensive and exciting period of our golfing calendar. Next week sees the Senior Captains Cup on Wednesday. All those who have entered should find out details of their start time by the end of this week. Following closely on this event is the Silverstone Seniors invasion of Swanage – oh well Dorset Golf and Country Club! I am sure the competition will be fierce but fair both on the golf course and the bowls rink. Rooming details and competition groupings will be revealed in the near future to all those involved.

We have seen some impressive scores in our weekly competitions and also on the general roll ups with large fields on most occasions. The last month saw the Vice Captains Away Day at Millbrook golf club. An excellent turnout enjoyed a great days golf on a very difficult golf course and the weather managed to be quite kind. The event was superbly organised by Dave Symmers and a number of people took home prizes but the main honour fell to Mr Barrie Hancock who walked away with the trophy for best individual score.

In addition a group of 21 Seniors and Ladies have recently returned from St Saens Golf Course in France. A great time was had by all and the winner of the International Trophy for 2014 was Mr Robert Marshall with 33 points closely followed by Mrs Helen Marshall on 30 points. This was a real family affair and a very creditable performance on a long, difficult and very wet course. The major talking point to arise from this tour was the unfortunate back injury suffered by our glorious leader Mr R Deller! No one knows exactly what has caused this injury but we were informed by his better half that it was something to do with finishing in the wrong position!! – The mind boggles!

 t already done so do try and get your name of the sheets for the three matches next month. Remember our target for the year is 45 different members.

With Captains Week starting this Saturday 14th June I just wanted to encourage you all to look at the fantastic range of competitions open to you all next week. If you are of an adventurous mind you could join some of us who have put our name down for the Summer Solstice next Friday with a 5.00am start!! Another competition that is fast approaching is “The Seniors Memorial Trophy” which is scheduled for Wednesday 9th July. Once again this is one of our majors and will be a drawn event. This means that you should put your name onto the sheet on the noticeboard asap. If you are for some reason unable to do this but do want to be included please let one of the committee members know. Obviously there will also be the regular Stableford, Medal and Eclectic competitions during the month.

Having informed you of the main events for the next month it saddens me that I must now inform you of some of the more amusing or worrying aspects seen in our section over the last month.


Newsletter 21– May 2014

To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

Now that I am back from my lovely holiday to the Caribbean and only have memories of the beaches, food, drinks and you just can’t get a decent rum punch anywhere, I thought I ought to settle down and pen a letter to all you lovely members of the Senior Section.

Well we have really had a good start to our season in all aspects. The increase in members wanting to join our section is a credit to all. The welcome and opportunities which we offer is in my opinion second to none and we should build on this to ensure that we all enjoy our golf to the full. The standard of competition has been high and the turnout has been excellent. In order to run the section efficiently, Dick and the committee met recently and various issues were discussed and decisions made as to how we will implement them. The main points of this meeting are outlined below:

 For the benefit of new senior members, your Committee is made up of the following:

Captain:                     Dick Deller     

Vice-Captain:            David Symmers

Treasurer/Comps:    Barrie Hancock

Fixtures Sec.:            Geoff Spink

Handicap Liaison:   Julian Baker

 49’ers draw:            Alan Truscott

Co-opted:                 Brian Ely, Rob Marshall, Gerry Sadler, Richard Whitehead

We have had a great start to the season of inter-club matches. Our playing record to date is Played 5, Won 4 and Lost 1.  All seniors are urged to please put themselves forward for inclusion/selection for matches –they are friendly matches and every senior is welcome, regardless of Handicap (sometimes, the higher the better!).  Those offering to play a Home game will be given preference for selection for an Away game.  Many thanks to those who have already played or offered to play to date – it is greatly appreciated.

We are approaching the 3rd round of the Eclectic on Wed 21st May and the early leader is that "wily old fox" Eric Husband followed by “Good shot” Maurice Finlay. Make sure you get along to try and knock these two off their perches!!

 Two days before this a large number of Seniors and Ladies will be enjoying the delights of Millbrook Golf Club as part of the Vice Captains away day. I do hope you have all paid the £35 or Barrie with an ie will be after you. Let’s hope the weather is kind for us!

 Apart from monthly Stableford and Medal competitions please be aware that the first of our major board competitions is fast approaching. The entry sheet for “The Captains Cup” will be on the notice board sometime soon so please keep your eyes peeled and sign up if you want to take part in this.  For all new members it is a drawn competition and the groupings and tee times will be notified in advance of the event. This is part of the clubs Captains Week which has all types of competitions for all week. The date for this is Wednesday 18th June.

 Well now we have covered the frivolous banter of the section it is time to get down to the more serious issues affecting us all. Firstly I believe that very few of us realise we have one of the worlds great fashion trend- setters within our midst. I refer of course to Reginald K Swift. Ken as he likes to be known recently produced his latest masterpiece, a fluorescent bright green piece of material which he hangs from his back pocket during a round just to put off those playing with him.If you would like one of these please see Ken as they are quite reasonably priced I believe.

 Unfortunately I have to report even more instances of poor trolley control amongst our group. This is now approaching epedemic proportions and may have to be seen as a medical problem associated with the process of getting old! The reason I say this, is that not even the military training which our great Armed Forces receive can make you immune to this viscious scourge of the golf course. You may have heard that recently a certain Alan Truscott was only playing the second hole when his trolley went walkabout and it was only the agile mind and body of Rod Ansell that stopped it reaching a watery grave. Of course we hope Alan keeps better control of the bonus ball counters!!!

 As if that wasn’t enough I also have to report a second case from one of our esteemed members, namely Brian Ely. Whilst approaching the 12th green Brian, gentleman that he is, decided to help an ex-captain search for his ball. Unfortunately he failed to switch off the trolley and it kept going into the bunker where it fell over and tried to bury itself.

 I have asked Rodney to run another course on this so watch the noticeboard for details. On this subject I have been impressed with the improvement I have seen from those golfers who have been attending his group senior coaching sessions. There are still two more sessions to go if you are interested in joining in.

 I will leave you with a few more golf truisms. Happy golfing to you all



 Newsletter 20– April 2014

To all Senior members

Hi Folks

So we have now started our competitive season under the new captain Mr Dick Deller. It was great to see so many seniors at the “Inaugural Drive In” on the 29th March where we greeted him onto the tee with a cacophony of noise from a variety of so called musical instruments. It was a great event and good way to signal the start of his captaincy.

As I write this I can report that we have had a number of firsts for the season already:

 The first Eclectic of the year with an excellent turn out of over 40 members

 The first Stableford of the year won by Geoff Lambrechts with over 40 points

 The first match against Weston Turville which we won by 3.5 to 2,5 – A pleasing start to the match season.

 And finally the first instance of Senior lacking control of his trolley. I did hope that after last year Rodney would have arranged for some lessons on this topic but as yet this has not transpired. The other sad aspect of this is that it was one of our celebrated captains who was seen chasing his trolley as it raced away from the third green towards the fourth tee. No names will be mentioned but let’s just say his ancestors apparently shot a monkey because they thought it was a Frenchman during the Napoleonic Wars!

 On a more serious note Barrie has completed the draws for the summer Singles and Doubles competitions. As for last year it is recommended that you get these completed asap as the cut off days need to be adhered to in order to ensure the various competitions are completed by the end of the season. If you are unsure of how to contact your opponents please see the Pro shop who will be able to supply relevant phone numbers.

 It has been great to welcome so many new members into the section (At the last count – 8) With our already healthy membership we can expect to have 40 plus for most competitions on Wednesdays. Obviously with these numbers Dick will be trying to ensure people do not have to wait too long before they get onto the course. He is, with Rodney, looking at various alternatives but to start with he has brought forward the first tee time to 8.20. The section will be monitoring the procedures but if you have any concerns or observations do let Dick know.

 Obviously our main concern is for all members to have an enjoyable round of golf each time they join us. As a result with large numbers we must try to alleviate slow play as this just affects all groups behind. We ask that all groups try to be conscious of their position in relation to the group in front and the one behind. If you find you are losing time then please encourage each other to speed up. In this way we can all finish in less than 4 hours. As a reminder I have attached the Tortoise and Hare poem which I sent out previously!

 There is still time to put your name on the notice board for the Vice Captains Away Day on Monday 19th May. A few places are left for what is always a very enjoyable event. Barrie does need your payment for this in the near future so please try to arrange this either in cash or cheques payable to Silverstone G C Seniors Section. Team sheets are up for several forthcoming matches including the Chiltern Forest match which is one place we have yet to win but with our ever growing section I believe this can be rectified this year especially as I will be unable to play!

 Congratulations are due to Noel Hetherington who beat Michael Ridley on the 18th hole to take the Winter Singles title. He then made it a double by winning the Winter Doubles title with Julian Baker. The only other trophy which we have competed for recently was The Captains Challenge and this was won by Dave Norton and Brian Coolin

 However we are fast approaching the main competition season so do look at the Seniors calendar and keep your eyes on the notice board as for all major competitions there will be a signing on sheet and the draw will be made in advance to arrange groupings and tee times. It would be good to reach a record entry of 50 plus members and this is well within reach as we have over 80 on our email list.

 Well I think that is enough of me telling everyone what to do so as a final thought I have attached a few golfing thoughts for the month of May. Do you feel they have an element of truth for you? Whatever your answer looking forward to seeing you all soon and good golfing to you all


Newsletter 19– March 2014

To all Senior members

Hi Folks

Well as we approach the start of another competitive season we should all be really looking forward to the changeover on the 29th when one Dick will take over from another one!!! Seriously I hope as many as possible will be able to make it on the 29th when Dick Deller will be trying to reach the fairway on his first shot on the Captains Drive In – I understand the book has closed on how many shots he will take, but let’s just say 1 is not highly fancied.  Only Dick has chosen that option!!

Along with the drive in there is breakfast, a four ball competition with shotgun start and in the evening a buffet / disco celebration for the start of Captains year and it would be great if we can get a good turnout to show our support for Dick. Although he has a hard act to follow as Richard has led us so well I am sure we are all wishing him all the best for his year as Captain of the Seniors Section and hope that he will enjoy leading such a fantastic group of men!

As we approach the start of the new season there are several events which you all need to be aware of. Firstly next Wednesday is the Captain versus Vice Captain Ryder Cup. It has been decided that entry fee will be flexible as all proceeds will be sent to Willen Hospice in memory of Brian Gibbs. I hope as many of you as possible will be able to take part. If you are unable to make it but would like to make a donation please let Richard or Dick know.

The following Wednesday - 26th March will be the first of the official competitions for this year. This is the first round of the Eclectic Competition. The great thing about this is that with nine separate rounds everybody can take part as there is no need to play in every round.Also the draws will soon be taking place for the Summer Singles and Pairs competitions so if you have not got your name on the sheet on the notice board please do so quickly if you wish to join in these competitions.

The other main part of our season is of course the inter club matches. This year we have expanded from 22 to 26 matches and we are looking for as many members as possible to take part in these matches. Last year we had 44 members involved so let’s try to get to 50 this year. You don’t have to be a certain level of ability – Anybody can play and enjoy the games. The first fixture is on Thursday 3rd April against Weston Turville (Away) and Dick will be putting the availability sheet on the board very soon. If you wish to be considered for this match please put your name on the sheet asap. As always if there are more names than places, those who are not selected will get picked the next time they are available.

 Another forthcoming event that requires you to let us know in advance if you wish to take part is the Vice–Captains Away Day. This will be at Millbrook Golf Club on Monday 19th May. It is always enjoyable to play other courses and the deal that Dave has got is very good so hopefully as many as possible will be able to support him and make it a really fantastic day. The sheet with all details is on the notice board for all to sign.

 Well I think that’s about enough of me wittering on. With this Newsletter I am also attaching an electronic version of the Seniors Calendar for 2014. Please look carefully at this and make a note of the events and activities you wish to take part in. I would urge you all to note the date of our Xmas Presentation Evening (Thursday 11th December) as it is the main social event of the year and celebrates all of our achievements during the year.

 Finally to help you all get into the mood for your summer of golf I have attached some interesting thoughts about this great game of golf. I am sure we will all agree with several of them. Enjoy reading but more important enjoy your golf. Good golfing to you all


Newsletter 18– Xmas 2013

To all Senior members

Hi Folks

Well the festive celebrations are almost upon us and hopefully you, like me, are relaxing watching the football, drinking the wine and waiting for the wife to bring your dinner in. Well we are all allowed to dream. As this is the quietest period of the year for the section I wanted to take the opportunity to review a few recent events and inform you of some of the forthcoming dates for your diary.

Firstly Richard has asked me to say a big thank you to all those who supported the presentation evening recently. It was an excellent evening and I have to admit I was surprised as to how well we all scrubbed up! The dancing needed to be seen to be believed but certainly the friendliness of the section was very clear.

The following week we had an enjoyable Xmas competition with prizes provided by Richard. As per usual I failed to register on the prize list but with a good turnout some good golf was played with Dave Symmers, Trevor Wright and Julian Baker taking the top three places. However this was surpassed the previous week when John Minshull got a hole in one on the 16th. Congratulations.

There are two events in January which all members of the section should be aware of. The 15th will see the official unveiling of the plaque, bench and trees we have purchased as a memorial to Don Bucknall. His family are going to attend and actual details will be sent out nearer the time. I hope as many of you as possible will be able to make this. In order to get an updated picture of our section for the website we will also try to take a photo before the first tee time on this day.

The other event to note is the Section AGM which will be held after golf on the 29th January. The sheet for the nominations will be on the board by the New Year so if you wish to be considered for a post do put your names down.

This leads me nicely to my final point. I am sure you have all been aware of the failure to display the notice re tips to help avoid slow play which I informed you of in the last newsletter. I must take this opportunity to apologise for this oversight. Dick is finding it difficult to remember things, e.g. how to control his trolley, so please be patient I am sure it will appear sometime soon. In the meantime I thought I would provide you with an alternative version which I have attached with the newsletter. I hope you enjoy it.

This now leaves me with one final task and that is to thank you all for your support this year and to wish you a very happy Xmas and New Year. Good golfing to you all.


Newsletter 17– Winter 2013

To all Senior members

Hi Folks

Well we have reached the thermal, sorry, winter season and Rodney reports increased sales of hot water bottles and Fishermens Friends within the senior contingent so I know you are all still enjoying your golf. On a serious note it has been very pleasing to see a very healthy number of Seniors attending on all three days each week even when the weather has been less than pleasant.

 There are several issues I believe you need to be aware of so I will try to include all those I can think of as this will probably be my last missive until next season. Firstly I know that many of you have been arranging and playing your Winter Singles and Doubles matches but if you are like me and have not already sorted them please do so asap to allow Barrie to keep on target re timings.

 All of our matches have now been completed and we achieved the creditable record of:

Played 22  Won 12  Drawn 2  Lost 8 and a very healthy representation of over 40 members taking part. Let’s try to improve on both sets of figure next year but a big thank you to all those who have supported the section this year. Next Season we have included two new fixtures against Aylesbury Vale and Hincksey Heights so we will have a total of 26 matches to show how good we are!!

The Xmas Presentation Evening on December 12th is fast approaching and already we have approx. 70 people signed up. Hopefully a few others will be joining us so please get your name on the list asap. Payment of £18 per person needs to be made to Barrie by 6th Dec. He has asked that where possible this is by cheque made payable to Silverstone Seniors. As always people will be asking themselves whatever can I wear to such a prestigious ceremony. Well it is entirely up to you – Jacket and Tie or if like me you want an opportunity to get the dinner jacket out of mothballs then this is the time. Hope to see you all there.

Also we still have a few spaces available for the Annual Seniors Trip to Dorset Golf and Country Club. I know we have several new members who may not be aware of how much fun this is and what it actually entails. The course, facilities and the food are first class and the company is not too bad either!! If you are thinking about joining us or would like further info do ask any of the committee members for help.

I have been reliably informed that another case of poor trolley control occurred recently but am unsure as to who this was. However you know who you are and it is your responsibility to enrol on Rodney’s course- “Trolley control for beginners”. Also I understand that one of our fellow members had a serious case of forgetfulness recently. I do believe it is important for us all to help each other so if you see Tony Peace in the car park do remember to ask him if his car keys are in his pocket and not in the car. Now I am, sure there are many other instances of members behaviour that need to be shared with everyone so please keep me informed and I will, without hesitation, let you all know.

 On a more serious note there are several issues which all Seniors should be aware of:

a)    Richard has asked me to pass on our thanks to John Bull who has for several years run the 49ers. He has said that he now wishes to relinquish this responsibility so we are looking for a volunteer to replace him so please let Richard know if you would be interested in doing so.

 b)    The Senior Section supported the club in replacing the flagpoles and cups on the course with a donation towards their cost.

 c)    The memorial bench for Don Bucknall has now been placed near the first tee. The trees which we aim to plant around it will be sorted shortly and the plaque will be placed on the bench in an unveiling event in the New Year. I will keep you informed of any dates and times.

d)    Recent events have highlighted the need for all members to change their habit when checking their scorecards. Please check that your score is accurate hole by hole and do not just assume all is correct because you have agreed your Stableford score with the marker. Errors recently have resulted in disqualification – not something we want to see.

e)    We have also had some complaints from members re slow play. Whilst no one will be doing this deliberately it is important that we all follow some simple procedures. To help this there is a sheet with suggested tips to help speed up play on the noticeboard. Please do read this and try to follow these ideas.  

Finally as Xmas approaches I am sure we are all looking for opportunities to get out of the house and to avoid Xmas shopping. Well one day that this will be achievable because you have an important golf competition is Wednesday 18th December when we have the Captains Xmas Competition. Hopefully we will have another excellent competition to see in the festive period so put it in your diary now.

Looking forward to seeing you all at our Xmas events .

Good golfing to you all.




Newsletter 15 – August 2013

To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

Well it’s Sunday afternoon and I’ve sent the wife off to pack and get ready for our holiday tomorrow. As a result this will probably be shorter than normal as I have no doubt I will be summoned shortly, but I will try to let you know all of the news about results and future events as far as I can.

 As ever the response of members to competitions in the last month has been fantastic and it has also been great to see so many of you putting your names down for the matches. On that point I am pleased to be able to report that we won the SilverEdge trophy for the second year running last Thursday with an aggregate score of 8-4. Congratulations to all those involved.

 This year the major trophy held recently had not one but two winners. As I believe you are all aware, we introduced a new trophy in memory of Don Bucknall at our Senior Championships. This trophy was for the best gross score on the day – this seemed to be fitting as Don would undoubtedly have won this several times in the past had it been available. A great field of almost 50 took part and the winner of this trophy was Andy Stewart with a score of 81. In the net competition the winner was Nigel Parsons who had a fantastic round with a gross score of 82 and a net of 66. It was especially pleasing to see Don’s son and daughter come along to present the trophy and we were very grateful that on a long day so many of you stayed behind for the presentation.

 There are several events planned in the near future which you should all be aware of. If you are interested in taking part in any of these please let Richard, Dick or Barrie know and they will ensure you are included.

 The first and most imminent event is the Senior Open which is being played next Wednesday 28th August. There are still a few slots available although we already have a field of approx. 70 golfers looking to win one of the numerous prizes available. Please let Dick Deller know immediately if you have not signed up but wish to play (the cost is £15 which covers coffee, food and prizes or £25 for visitors)

 Another event which we are holding for the first time this year is a one night stay at a local golf course. The one selected is Abbotsley in St Neots near Cambridge. The cost is £99 for DB&B and two rounds of golf. The date for this is Sunday 22nd September and we have booked 12 places. Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to be included in this event. I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. I went there earlier this year and was very impressed both with the course and food.

 On the 18th September we have the penultimate trophy event of the year which is The Richard Barrett Trophy. The sheet for this will be on the board very soon so please put your names down for this as soon as possible.

Finally I would like to ask for your support for the Charity Day for the club which is being held on Wednesday 25th September. Richard has, along with the other captains, chosen two charities to support namely, The Air Ambulance and The Injured Jockeys Fund. The cost for this event is £27.50 per member and £37.50 for non- members. This is an opportunity to support the captain and thank him for his efforts during the year so I hope we will get as many teams as possible from the Seniors section for this event. The competition will be in team format and the price includes food as well as donation towards the charities. Please put your name on the board or let Richard know. If you can get some friends along to make up your own team so much the better.

 I am becoming increasingly worried that our section has a serious co-ordination issue. Following on from last month’s description of the trials and tribulations of one of our members with his golf trolley, I now have to inform you that Dick Deller has had a recurrence of his trolley control problem when it ended up in a bush next to the 9th hole last Friday. I hope it’s not catching!!! Perhaps Rodney should give lessons on trolley control instead of driving and chipping!

Finally, as you are all aware, last Wednesday was the funeral of a former member of the section - Paul Woodhouse. It was really pleasing to see so many members at the service and I think we all agreed it was an excellent send off for him. As I looked at his coffin, which depicted several scenes of a golf course, and listened to the stories about how much he loved his golf, it reminded me of how lucky we all are that we can play and enjoy this great game of golf, and more importantly can share it with so many friends. Never underestimate that!

 Good golfing to you all.


Newsletter 14 – July 2013

 To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

 Well it’s Sunday afternoon and the sun is shining, Lee Westwood is about to start his final round in the Open and England are thrashing the Aussies at Lords. As I don’t have anything else to do I thought I’d start the next newsletter for you all. It’s been a great month where we have had some fantastic performances, new winners in our major trophies and we have enjoyed a very dry spell meaning that unlike last year we have all been able to put our waterproofs away.

 The Senior team continue to produce some pleasing results and the record now stands at P 11    W 6     D 1      L 4.  We have had 38 different members of the section represent the club and we are only half way through the season. Let’s try to reach the half century before the last match. Look at the calendar on the website and find some matches that you can play in and get your names on the sheet. This next Thursday sees the first leg of the annual match against Three Locks. We managed to win this back last year so hopefully we will retain it this year.

 The first week in July saw 24 members of the section descend on the Dorset Golf and Country club. Four great days of golf, food, drink and fun culminated in Doug Berry claiming the major prize “ The Senior Tour Cup”  Richard organised a series of competitions which allowed a large number to win a prize and bask in their moment of glory, including me. As always the food accommodation golf and drinking was to the highest standard. All of this coupled with a game of bowls, trips to Swanage and watching Wimbledon made it a great event. As a result we have booked the lodges for the same week next year and soon Dick will be asking for those interested in going next year to sign up.

We had looked at alternatives and did find a very good place near St Neots – Abbotsley Golf Club. Those who went there were very impressed and as a result we will probably be doing a one night stay there in September for DBB and playing the two courses. Please keep your eye open for the notice on the board and sign up. I assure you it is a very good golf course and well worth a visit.

 The last month has seen two of our Major competitions played and the results were as follows:

 Captains Cup  1st Stuart Weller   2nd Jim Barber   3rd  Julian Baker   4th  Alan Truscott

 Memorial Trophy  1st Phil Berry   2nd  Dougie Campbell   3rd  Brian Gibbs   4th  Dick Deller

Congratulation to all of these players and now we look forward to the next major competition on the 7th August. This is the Senior Championship and there will be two competitions this year for the first time. There will be a Gross Champion for “The Don Bucknall Cup” and also a Net Champion. If you have not signed up yet please do so before  Friday 2nd August as this is when Barrie will be making and publishing the draw. I hope we can maintain the standard set so far of over 40 competitors for all of our trophy events.

Another imminent event is the first mixed competition of the year next Monday 29 July. If you would like to be involved in this please put your name on the sheet at the club. The numbers involved will depend on the number of ladies available. Richard will inform those selected and provide the details at the end of this week. At this point I would also like to remind you of the Senior Open on 28th August. If you have not already signed up please do so asap. Also please try to bring a friend along for the day – It is a great way to show off the club. Lots of good prizes will be available so don’t miss out.

 So along with the monthly Stableford, Medals and Eclectic there are lots of opportunities for the members to get together and hone their golfing skills or in my case drink tea and socialise.  If however you want other opportunities don’t forget the Monday and Friday roll-ups. A reminder that on these days you need to be at the club by 8.45 as this is when the format of the competition is decided. If numbers allow this will often be a team competition.  On the subject of times could I please ask you to arrive at least 30 minutes before your start time on any drawn events and check in in the clubhouse. This enables us to make any adjustments well in advance.

Having informed you of all of the different events it is time to look at some of the other issues our section have faced this year. Firstly one member appears to have liked his moment of fame so much last month that he is determined to rename this section as the “Tony Gray Moment of the Month”. I have been reliably informed that Tony has in recent weeks been showing extremely poor trolley skills and has given a new meaning to the phrase “ he’s off his trolley”. In his case it should be “Where is my trolley?” Recently on the 12th hole he parked his trolley, went to look for his partners ball and when he turned round was amazed to find his trolley nowhere in sight. The group behind reported that they watched the trolley go across the fairway towards the woods and out of bounds!! As if this was not bad enough on the very next round he lost control of his trolley and ran into our esteemed captain. Considering this I do believe you should avoid his forthcoming book entitled “ 59 shades of an electric trolley”

 I am determined that next month that some other member will feature in this section of the newsletter so please do let me know of any possible inclusions you experience both humorous and memorable. Finally our esteemed former captain David Burnicle provided me with a more intellectual input for our final section than my usual basic submissions and I have included this below.

It is now Monday – Westwood didn’t make it, but we have thrashed the Aussies and the sun is still shining so I’m off to mow the lawn

Best wishes and good golfing  to you all


SEASIDE GOLF (A Hole in Three)

How straight it flew, how long it flew,
It clear'd the rutty track
And soaring, disappeared from view
Beyond the bunker's back -
A glorious, sailing, bounding drive
That made me glad I was alive.

And down the fairway, far along
It glowed a lonely white;
I played an iron sure and strong
And clipp'd it out of sight,
And spite of grassy banks between
I knew I'd find it on the green.

And so I did. It lay content
Two paces from the pin;
A steady putt and then it went
Oh, most securely in.
The very turf rejoiced to see
That quite unprecedented three.

Ah! seaweed smells from sandy caves
And thyme and mist in whiffs,
In-coming tide, Atlantic waves
Slapping the sunny cliffs,
Lark song and sea sounds in the air
And splendour, splendour everywhere.

John Betjeman

 And now for the alternative version Less well-known is Robin Butler’s response to “Seaside Golf”, which he delivered at the

St. Enodoc Golf Club’s Centenary Dinner in April 1990.

Compare and contrast!!!

Any suggestions for a title?

 How low it flew, how left it flew,
It hit the dry-stone wall
And plunging, disappeared from view
A shining brand new ball –
I’d hit the damned thing on the head
It made me wish that I were dead.

And up the fairway, steep and long,
I mourned my gloomy plight;
I played an iron sure and strong,
A fraction to the right.
I knew that when I reached my ball
I’d find it underneath the wall.

And so I did. I chipped it low
And thinned it past the pin;
And to and fro, and to and fro
I tried to get it in;
Until, intoning oaths obscene,
I holed it out in seventeen.

Ah! seaweed smells from sandy caves
They really get me down;
In-coming tides, Atlantic waves
I wish that I could drown,
And Sloane Street voices in the air

And black retrievers everywhere








Newsletter 14 –  June 2013

To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

Well we are fast approaching the busiest part of the season. We have a lot of things to report and even more to prepare for in the near future. It has been really pleasing to see the number of people turning out for the roll ups and the Wednesday competitions. There are 47 entrants at present for the first major competition of the season – The Senior Captains Cup on Wednesday 19th June. If you are entered you should have been informed of your tee time. It will be played off Yellow Tees and will be a full handicap Stableford which will allow all to be able to compete – even me!!!

 This week we had the Vice Captains Away Day at Ullesthorpe Golf Club. Dick asked me to thank everybody who supported him. As with other competitions we had a tremendous field and some outstanding golf which saw a new champion for the Away Day Trophy – Nigel Parsons with an excellent 41 points. Talking of trips away it is only a couple of weeks until 27 members will be trecking down to Dorset Golf and Country Club for four days of good golf, food and drink. However the most important part will be the fantastic company and fun we always have together.

 The Senior team continues to perform very well and the number of members who have represented the section continues to increase but we still need more so do put your name forward for selection. The record at this time is as follows:   P 8   W 5    D 0    L 3. In addition to this the singles and doubles competitions are now into the second rounds and a big thank you to all for ensuring that the matches were concluded by the deadline. The secret of this is not to leave till the last moment. The next deadline is July 31st which seems a long way ahead but will soon arrive.

 As I said at the beginning the main competition season is now approaching so get the dates in your diaries and keep your eyes peeled for the entry sheets on the notice board.

 Wednesday 10th July – Memorial Trophy  - The sheet will be on the board this week and drawn by 5th July

 Wednesday 7th August  - Senior Championships – There will be a gross  and a net champion this year. The latter will be for a new trophy named in memory of Don Bucknall. We believe this will be a fitting tribute to him.

 Wednesday 28th August – Senior Open.  The sheet for this event is already posted. Please put your name down and bring some friends along to share the day with you. Just make sure Dick knows that you wish to play with them. We do not have a Senior Member / Guest day so this is a good opportunity to show off our course.

 Wednesday September 18th – Richard Barrett Trophy

 Wednesday September 25th – Senior Captains Charity Day – Please try to book this day in your calendar so that we can support Richard and raise a great deal of money for his chosen charity.

 Wednesday 9th October – 3 Clubs and Putter competition. (The final trophy event of the season)

 These events are in addition to the monthly Eclectic, Medal and Stableford competions and we also have 14 matches still to play. This means there is plenty for all to get involved in. One of these competitions will be the second event designed to raise money for our permanent tribute to Don Bucknall. You will be informed in advance of this.

 Having informed you of things to come I thought I would let you know my choice of Achievement of the Month and Funniest Event of the month.

 Last Friday the Captain, Vice Captain and last years Captain along with a member from Stowe represented the Section at the Stowe Annual Charity Day which had teams from ten local clubs including Buckingham!. It was a great day with some very good golf. So good that the Silverstone Team won the event with an overall 115 points from the three best cards out of four (I won’t say who came fourth  – I’ll leave that to your imagination!!) However the most significant card was submitted by your Captain who achieved a remarkable 46 points. It was a pleasure to watch and certainly deserves the accolade of Achievement of the Month.

 I am always looking for tittle tattle to include in these missives so if anything unusual, funny or outstanding happens in your rounds please do let me know. This month I thought I’d share an incident I experienced recently with Tony Gray. He almost exactly copied a little story that I had been told by another member. He was so good at it that I believe it was probably written about him!!

 On the first tee the golfer took out a new ball placed it on the tee and promptly put it into the pond on the left. On the second he takes out another new ball places it on the tee and hits it clearly Out Of Bounds. When they reached the third tee he takes out a new ball places it on the tee and slices it into the waist high grass 50 yards off the fairway. When they reached the fourth tee he takes out another new ball – At this point his playing partner says “ Why don’t you try using an old ball” The golfer turns round and replies “I would but  I’ve never had one”  (Well I thought it was funny)

 By now you are probably asking yourself when this is going to end – Well the good news is now except for the final instalment of my revised rules of golf.  Unfortunately Barrie and Julian will not accept them in our competitions.  I hope to see you all in the coming weeks – Good golf and friendship to you all.


 The Rules of Golf (Part 3)

LAW 17

It's not a gimme if you're still 4 feet away.

LAW 18:

The shortest distance between any two points on a golf course is a

straight line that passes directly through the centre of a very large tree.

LAW 19:

You can hit a 2-acre fairway 10% of the time, and a 2-inch branch 90% of the time.

 LAW 20:

Every Time a golfer makes a birdie, he must subsequently make a double or triple bogey

to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the universe.

LAW 21:

If you want to hit a 7-iron as far as Tiger Woods does, simply try to use it

to lay up just short of a water hazard.

LAW 22:

There are two things you can learn by stopping your back swing at the top

and checking the position of your hands: how many hands you have, and

which one is wearing the glove.

LAW 23:

A ball you can see in the rough from 50 yards away is not yours.

LAW 24:

Don't buy a putter until you've had a chance to throw it.


Newsletter 13 –  May 2013

 To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

I suddenly realised that it had been some time since I last sent you some info re the activities of the section. I do apologise but actually when I had the choice of lying in the sun sipping cocktails or writing to you lot – there was no competition. Anyway now I have returned to the clouds and rain I can sort myself out.

 As many of you know the season is well underway and the results against other clubs have been quite good. Despite a very strong side we were, however, unable to inflict the first ever defeat to Chiltern Forest away, so we will now have to wait until next year. At present we stand with two home wins and two losses away but I am confident that this will change for the better  in the future. Don’t forget that if you want to enjoy the competitive element of our section do get your names on the team list. At present we have already had 27 of you representing the section. Hopefully we will be able to beat the 40 different players achieved last year. We have six matches in the next few weeks so do look at the noticeboard regularly for info.

 One of the pleasing aspects of the season so far has been the superb support you have all given. It has been really encouraging to see fields of approx. 40 for our Wednesday competitions. At present other than the monthly Stablefords/Medals the only major competition has been the Eclectic. We have now had two rounds and on the 22nd May the third round will take place. This is to make up for the round we had to cancel at the end of March. If you want to see the ongoing scores they are usually on the website and on the board. I have not been able to get the second round onto the website yet but will do so in the near future.

 We are rapidly approaching the major part of our competitive season and you should all be aware that the entry form for the first of our main competitions will be on the board in the next week. As always please sign up if you wish to enter or let Richard or Dick know if you are unable to get up to the club. This competition is the Senior Captains’ Cup which was won last year by John Bull – It could be you this year!! Also the Singles and Doubles competitions are underway and the deadline is now fast approaching for the first rounds to be completed. Please make sure you meet the deadline and don’t wait for others to make the arrangements.

 It is good to see that the Captains’ Charity Hole is making some funds for our chosen charity. Don’t forget to put money in the box if you hit the chosen hazards each month. The annual Seniors’ Golf Trip is also rapidly approaching as is the Vice Captains Away Day on June 11th which has reached 45 entrants. Thanks to you all for supporting this event and please ensure that you pay the money to Barrie by the end of the month.

 I think that is about all for this month except to point you towards the next instalment of the rules of golf. Please read carefully and inwardly digest!!

 Good golfing to you all


Rules 9 -16


The last three holes of a round will automatically adjust your score to what it really should be.

LAW 10

Golf should be given up at least twice per month.

LAW 11:

All vows taken on a golf course shall be valid only until the sunset.

LAW 12:

Since bad shots come in groups of three, your fourth consecutive bad shot is really

the beginning of the next group of three.

LAW 13:

If it isn't broke, try changing your grip.

LAW 14:

It's surprisingly easy to hole a 50-foot putt when you're lying 8.

LAW 15:

Counting on your opponent to inform you when he breaks a rule is like expecting

him to make fun of his own haircut.

LAW 16

Nonchalant putts count the same as chalant putts.


Newsletter 12 –  March/ April 2013

 To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

 Well as I start to pen this newsletter once again there is snow outside and this is the start of Richards’s stint as Senior Captain. I hope this is not a hint of what is to come! Last Saturday the New Captains managed to complete their “Drive In” and I am, pleased to report that Richard matched me and managed to hit the fairway on the second attempt. Well done Richard – now sort out the weather!!!

 The competition and social event were postponed until the 6th April so if you wish to be included in either of these do let the club know. Tomorrow was due to be the first round of the eclectic but the weather has put paid to any hopes of this. We will let you know if it is rearranged to another date.

 Recently we have had two very good events and I would like to thank you all for supporting these even though the weather was not the greatest we have had. The first was the Captains Challenge and this was won by Julian Baker and Dick Deller with Brian Gibbs and Tommy Linford as runners-up. The following week we had the Captain v Vice-Captains Ryder Cup – After an enthralling competition it ended up all square with 4.5 to 4.5. The event was also used a start to raising funds for a memorial of some sort to our great friend Don Bucknall and I am pleased to announce that we managed to raise £212.

 That is enough of what we have done as it is now time to look forward at the events over the next few weeks. Next Thursday (4th April) sees the first match of the new season with a visit to Weston Turville. As I have set Richard a steep challenge he will need all of your help in the matches this season so please do keep an eye on the board and sign up to play whenever you can. We will maintain the same policy of ensuring all who want to play get an opportunity. The strength of our section is that so many are really active members of it.

 Also the draws for singles and doubles competitions will be published. It is important that as last year we keep strictly to the deadlines set. I would urge you all to try and play the matches as early as you can to ensure that the committee does not have to make decisions about who moves into the next round. During the next month there are no major board competitions but there are several matches, medals and eclectic competitions.

 It is great to see so many of you have signed up for Dick’s Away Day at Ullesthorpe. I believe there may be one or two spaces so if you haven’t signed up but wish to go please let Dick or Richard know as soon as possible. This promises to be a great day 0on a challenging course – provided Richard has sorted the weather out by then!!

 As we sit and wait for the golf course to be open I thought I would share a couple of things which have been sent to me recently to help occupy your  time and get you mentally prepared for the challenges ahead:

Firstly there is

Simply copy this address into your tool bar and sit back to laugh, wince and go ooh or aah


Secondly I received these from David Darst. Altogether there are 24 but I have included the first 8 here and will let you have the rest in future months.

THE 24 LAWS OF GOLF (Part 1)

 LAW 1:

No matter how bad your last shot was, you should have Inner Peace knowing

that a worse shot is yet to come. This law does not expire on the 18th

hole, since it has the supernatural tendency to extend over the course of

a tournament, a summer and, eventually, a lifetime.

LAW 2:

Your best round of golf will be followed almost immediately by your worst

round ever. The probability of the latter increases with the number of

people you tell about the former.

LAW 3:

Brand new golf balls are water-magnetic. Though this cannot be proved in the lab,

it is a known fact that the more expensive the golf ball, the greater

its attraction to water. Expensive clubs have been known to be partly made with

this most unusual natural alloy.

LAW 4:

Golf balls never bounce off of trees back into play. If one does, the tree

is breaking a law of the universe and should be cut down.


The higher a golfer's handicap, the more qualified he deems himself as an instructor.


A golfer hitting into your group will always be bigger than anyone in your group.

Likewise, a group you accidentally hit into will consist of a football player, a professional

wrestler, a convicted murderer and an IRS agent -- or some similar combination.

LAW 7:

All 3-woods are demon-possessed. Your Mother in Law does not come close.

LAW 8:

Golf balls from the same "sleeve" tend to follow one another, particularly out of

bounds or into the water. See LAW 3.

The best are yet to come

 Hopefully the weather will improve soon and I look forward to seeing you at the clubhouse – mine’s a tea!










Newsletter 11 –  February 2013

 To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

As I sit here gazing out of the window, it is snowing again. As the wife has gone to London to see her sister and apart from Jeremy Kyle there is not a lot on television I thought it would be a good idea to pen my final newsletter as your captain. So here it is. If after reading this you still want something to do try the Golfers Anagrams attached. I will announce who is the first person to send me the correct answers to me in the next newsletter

 Firstly I would like to start by thanking all those who attended the AGM. It was an impressive turnout and as I said at the time it illustrated the strength of the section and I must thank you all again for the support you given me throughout the year. We are approaching the final competitions of the year. The draw has been made for the semi-finals of all the winter competitions and weather permitting they will all be completed on time. The only other competition which I wish to remind you of is the pairs competition on March 6th with the deadline for entries being February 27th. If you wish to play but have not put your name down on the sheet please do so as soon as possible.

 There are a series of events which are approaching and I would like to encourage as many as possible to support these. The first is the club AGM on Monday 25th February. You should all have received the details of fees for the next year and I hope that along with me you see these as being good value for the opportunities we have. It is nice to show the rest of the club how vibrant our section is by having good representation at the meeting. It also allows us to vote on any issues that may affect us. Hope to see you all there.

 Following this is the opportunity to celebrate with Richard as he takes on the mantle of Senior Captain. The Captains drive in and competition is being held on Saturday 23rd March followed by an inauguration dance in the evening. The price is very reasonable so I hope once again as many as possible will be there to give Richard positive vibes as he aims the ball at the 18th tee in order to land on the first fairway!! I know there are already some teams up but do put your name down or let Richard and I know if you wish to join in. The more the merrier.

Into next season two events I wish to mention are as follows:

Dorset Trip – We still have two places available for this event. The cost is £295 for three days D,B&B plus four rounds of golf. It is one of the highlights of the year so if you have never been and would like a great week let us know as soon as possible.

 Vice Captains Away Day – For the first time in all the years I have known him Dick Deller is well prepared!!! He has already arranged for his Away Day to be held at Ullesthorpe Golf and Country Club on Tuesday 11th June. He has managed to keep the price at the same level as previous two years and the course is very good so I hope as many of you as possible will be able to support him in this venture. He will be putting all of the details and the signing up sheet on the board very soon so do get your name down.

Now to more practical issues, I have been informed by Martin that when the snow has gone there is likely to be a period of carry only in order to help the course get back to a reasonable level. Whilst this is not what we may wish and may even mean some members will be unable to join us I am sure you are aware that this decision will only be taken as a last resort. We are fortunate to play on superb greens so we must do whatever is necessary in extreme circumstances. Please check with the pro shop prior to coming to the course to find out what the situation is.

Well I think that is about all but before I sign off I must mention the legend who was Don Bucknall. His family were very appreciative of the fantastic support at the funeral and the kind messages they have received. If you wish there is still an opportunity to give them your memory of Don via the sheets on the bar in the clubhouse. I know that Richard and next year’s committee are looking at a way to celebrate the life of Don and his contribution to our club and especially the Senior Section. So be prepared. I don’t think I need say any more – Thank you Don for all you gave us.

Well the next newsletter you receive will be the first one of Richards captaincy. He has been such a stalwart for me this year  that I am absolutely confident that he will take the section forward and there will be even more success in the future. I wish both he and Dick well and would like to thank you all again for your support and for making my year as your Captain so very enjoyable and rewarding.

Best wishes and good golfing in 2013 to you all




 Newsletter 10 –  January 2013

 To all Senior members

 Hi Folks

Well 2013 has arrived and so has the snow. Possibly like me you are missing both the golf and the social side of things but hopefully there is a respite within the next week and normal service can be resumed.

 Firstly I would like to thank all of those who supported the section at the Presentation Evening. Everyone seems to have enjoyed it and it was good to see so many of you and actually I was surprised how well everyone scrubbed up. I am putting some photos of the evening on the website so do have a look at them. Unfortunately the weather put paid to the Xmas competition but we did hold it on another date and once again the support was very much appreciated. I tried to ensure that there were lots of winners and overall this worked well.

The winter competitions are going well but as is to be expected the recent weather has put a strain on the deadline dates. I have looked at the dates as they stand and will extend the singles dates initially to February 21st. This will allow semi-finals to be played by mid-March and the finals can then be completed by the end of the month. The summer competitions will begin in April and the entry forms will be posted at beginning of March so please keep your eyes peeled and sign up.

 Other competitions that you should be aware of are as follows:

Eclectic – First round will be on March 27th.

 Captains Challenge Trophy – This is a new event which I hope will become an annual one. I have decided to run it as a Betterball Pairs competition. Pairs will be drawn in a similar way to the doubles with a lower and higher handicap player in each team. In order to facilitate this, members will have to enter for the competition in advance. I will put the Entry Form up next week and the deadline for entries will be February 27th as the date of the competition has been set for March 6th. We do not have a competition like this at the moment so I hope you will join in and make it as successful as all of the others.

 We will endeavour to get out as much as possible in the winter months and hold a variety of competitions. I promise I will not run a Russian Stableford every week!!! However, next week whether we are able to play or not, I hope you will be able to join us on Wednesday as it is the AGM for our section. This is the point where we can prepare for the forthcoming year and ensure all issues are addressed. If we are able to play it will be held straight after golf at approx. 2 -2.30. If however golf is not possible the meeting will start at 2.00pm.

 The Club AGM is being held on the Monday 25th February. I hope we as a section will have a good representation at the meeting as there will be discussion on some changes as to how the club is governed. These seem to be perfectly acceptable. Also the proposed fees for next year are being sent out next week. I believe that they are also fair and give good value for money so hopefully we will all be able to rejoin and build on the success of recent years. I have attached a copy of the minutes of last year’s AGM in preparation for the meeting next week. Also the proposed Calendar for 2013 is attached so that you can make note of the major competitions.

 Finally as we sit in our chairs looking out of the window at the falling snow I have noted a few interesting facts about golf given to me by David Darst or if you want a laugh try keying in the Golfers Dilemma on You Tube and then answer the question What would you do?

 Hope to see you next week and best wishes for a great golfing year in 2013



 1. 125,000 golf balls a year are hit into the water at the famous 17th hole of the Stadium Course at Sawgrass (picture attached above).

 2. The longest drive ever is 515 yards. The longest putt ever is a monstrous 375 feet

 3. Phil Mickelson, who plays left-handed, is actually right handed. He learned to play golf by mirroring his father’s golf swing, and he has used left handed golf clubs ever since.

4. The chances of making two holes-in-one in a round of golf are one in 67 million.

5. Tiger Woods snagged his first ace at the tender age of eight years old.

 6. Balls travel significantly further on hot days. A golfer swinging a club at around 100 mph will carry the driver up to eight yards longer for each increase in air temperature of 25°F.

 7. The longest golf course in the world is the par 77 International Golf Club in Massachusetts which measures a fearsome  8325 yards

 8. The highest golf course in the world is the Tactu Golf Club in Morococha , Peru , which sits 14,335 feet above sea level at its lowest point.

 9. The longest golf hole in the world is the 7th hole (par 7) of the Sano Course at the Satsuki Golf Club in Japan . It measures an incredible 909 yards.

 10. The largest bunker in the world is Hell's Half Acre on the 585-yard 7th hole of the Pine Valley Course in New Jersey .

 11. The largest golfing green is that of the 695-yard, 5th hole, a par 6 at the International Golf Club in Massachusetts , with an area in excess of 28,000 square feet.

 12. The driver swing speed of an average lady golfer is 62mph; 96mph for an average LPGA professional; 84mph for an average male golfer; 108mph for an average PGA Tour player; 130mph for Tiger Woods; 148-152mph for a national long drive champion.

 13. There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.

 14. The first golf balls were made of thin leather stuffed with feathers. Tightly-packed feathers made balls that flew the farthest. Feather balls were used until 1848.

 15. The youngest golfer to shoot a hole-in-one was Coby Orr, who was five years old at the time. It happened in Littleton , Colorado , in 1975.

 16. 22.8% of golfers are women.

 17. Golf was banned in Scotland from 1457 to 1502 to ensure citizens wouldn't waste time when preparing for an English invasion

 18. The term birdie comes from an American named Ab Smith. While playing 1899, he played what he described as a "bird of a shot", which became "birdie" over time.

 19. The word golf does not mean "Gentleman Only, Ladies Forbidden". This is an internet myth. It is thought the word golf comes from the  Dutch word "kolf" or "kolve", meaning "club". Historians believe this was passed on to the Scottish, whose own dialect changed this to "golve," "gowl" or "gouf". By the sixteenth century, this had evolved into the word we know today.

 20. Don't feel bad about your high handicap --- 80% of all golfers will never achieve a handicap of less than 18

 That makes me feel better.

 Newsletter 9 –  November 2012

 To all Senior members

 Hi Folks as we approach Xmas I thought I would just write a brief newsletter to keep you abreast of the activities of the section. Firstly can I thank all of those members who responded to my suggested rule changes last month. I was pleased that so many thought they were a good idea. However unfortunately when I approached Rodney with the ideas he said he would have to insist on R&A rules at all times so it’s back to the drawing board!!!!

 Since my last newsletter the Eclectic competitions have been completed. I think the competition this year was one of the best ever and in the gross competition it was only decided when Paul Swain got a birdie on the 17th to pip Andy Stewart who had led for most of the year. In the net Stableford competition Dick Deller held on despite a spirited charge by vice-captain Richard.

 Despite the weather it has been pleasing to see the number of Seniors turning up to play on the days allocated to us. Even when we are unable to make the course due to the weather we try to entertain ourselves with quizzes, cards etc so do come along.

 I am very pleased to see so many people supporting our presentation evening on Thursday 13th December. If you haven’t put your name down yet don’t worry there is still time. If you have already indicated that you are attending this magnificent event please remember that the deadline for payment to Barrie is next Friday 7th December and this also applies to putting your menu choices on the sheets at the club. I have been asked by several people about the dress code. As usual to allow for individual choice it is Dinner/Lounge suits for gentlemen and cocktail / evening dresses for the ladies. I hope this helps and if you have any concerns or further questions do let me know. We will be endeavouring to keep things short and simple so that we can spend as much time as possible socialising and partying.   

 On the 19th December, weather permitting we will be holding a Seniors Xmas Stableford. Prizes will be decided nearer the day but will help towards your festive celebrations. As this will be the last main competition before Xmas I hope as many as possible will be able to attend. The Monday and Friday roll ups will continue with team matches and fun formats being introduced as much as possible.  In the New Year we hope to arrange another senior / ladies joint competition following the successful one last month. Also a

 Finally as I said the weather has not been too kind recently and I am sure that like me, many of you need a little bit of cheering up when you are unable to play your favourite game. To help alleviate the pain I have copied a few of those one liners that make you cringe but also smile. I particularly like the last one! Enjoy!!!

Happy Golfing to you all.


 What do you call a short sighted dinosaur?
A do-you-think-he-saw-us!

What do you call a man with brown paper trousers?

Why would you invite a mushroom to a Christmas party?
He's a fun guy to be with.

Why was Santa's little helper feeling depressed?
He had low elf-esteem.

Who was England's first chiropodist?
William the Corncurer

Why should husbands make the early morning tea for their wives?
Because the Bible says He Brews

What's white and goes up?

A confused snowflake.

 What do you call a woman who stands between two goal posts?


 Did you hear about the man who bought a paper shop?

It blew away.

 What's furry and minty?

A polo bear.

 How do snowmen get around?

They ride an icicle.

 Who hides in the bakery at Christmas?

A mince spy.

What do you call a man with a pole through his leg?








Newsletter 8 –  October 2012

 To all Senior members & Paul again !!

 Well we have almost completed all of the competitions and matches for our section. When we look at the conditions we have endured throughout this year I think this is a creditable achievement. It is also pleasing to see the number of Seniors involved in our activities continuing to increase. This bodes well for the future. As we move towards the winter the attention turns to checking our thermal underwear to ensure we can continue playing for the full twelve months and not be classed as ‘namby pamby’ fine weather golfers!!

 However, before we concentrate on the social golf over the winter, there are still two major competitions to be decided. Up to this point it is good to see a range of winners in our main competitions and with over 40 participants in the 3 club championship next Wednesday, this is likely to continue. Also last week I took the decision to postpone the last round of the Eclectic until the 31st October. The condition of the course was not good and we must hope that the rearranged date gives us a better opportunity to finish this competition in style. Both parts of the Eclectic are closely contested and it will not be sorted until the final round is completed. If, however, the weather causes us to call off the next leg then the positions as at the end of round 7 will stand.

One of the most pleasing aspects of the summer, from a personal point of view, has been the superb support I have been given for the inter club matches. At the beginning of the summer I stated that I hoped to get 40 players to take part in these matches and we achieved this in the final match. In addition we have regained both trophies that we contest against Cherwell and Three Locks whilst only one side was able to beat us both home and away and our final record was:


 I wish to thank all those who have played in these matches and I am confident that the strength of our section means that we can improve on this record next year with even more players representing the section. We are hoping to increase the number of matches to 24.

 One of the strengths of the section is the variety of opportunities we have. As well as the internal competitions and matches we also look to provide short break golf trips. It is pleasing to see a large number of members putting their names forward for the Seniors Golf Trip to Dorset next July. All those who have taken part in the past know what an excellent trip this is. The Annual Seniors/Ladies trip to France is also well supported, although it will be slightly later in the year in 2013; hopefully the weather will be kinder! In addition, we recently held a Ladies & Seniors Texas Scramble which was really well supported with forty participants. Unfortunately once again the weather decided to make life difficult and we had to postpone the first event. Although not having quite as many participants, the rearranged event was very successful and plans are now underway to hold another competition at an alternative golf course in the next few months.

 Last month the major event was the Club Charity Day. This was very well endorsed by the Senior Section in terms of participants and fund raising. Prior to the event we had raised nearly £400 from our raffle at the Open and this was enhanced by the contributions on the day. Although final figures are not available at the moment, it is expected that we will be able to give at least £2000 to our chosen charity – “Helen and Douglas House Children’s Hospice”.

 Already many people have started to play the first round matches in the Winter Singles and Doubles. The deadline for completion of these is 21st November, but please don’t leave it till the last minute as our weather can be unpredictable!! This obviously means that the Summer Competitions are finished and congratulations to Brian Gibbs on winning the singles and Roger Smith & Stuart Peacock who won the doubles on the 18th hole in the final. The Plate competition will be finished soon with Brian Ely playing Geoff Callow in the final.

 Now that almost all of our competitions are finished we will be preparing for our Xmas Presentation Evening on Thursday 13th December at 7.00. Please put this in your diary and I will send out further details in the near future. In addition if you hold any of the Trophies will you please bring them back to allow us to ensure all engravings are up to date.

 Unfortunately, as many of you know, one of our founder members has recently been ill and has had to stop playing golf. Don Bucknall is definitely a legend in our club and he will be sorely missed. However, that doesn’t stop him coming up to see us all at the club on a Wednesday and I know that we all want to give Don our best wishes and we look forward to seeing him again soon. We also send our best wishes to all those other members who for various reasons have been unable to join us during the summer. We hope to see you back in play as soon as possible.

 Finally, in preparation for our AGM I thought I would put forward some proposed rule changes for the Senior Section. When I saw these I just felt that they would really help me in my game and ensure that I didn’t always have to ask Julian for a ruling!! I would be grateful for members feedback on these so that I can propose them if needed in February. They are listed below.

 Happy Golfing to you all.



                                                                                                              Proposed Rule Changes for Silverstone Seniors Section

 Rule 1.a.5

A ball sliced or hooked into the rough shall be lifted and placed on

the fairway at a point equal to the distance it carried or rolled into

the rough with no penalty. The senior should not be penalised for tall

grass, which  greenkeepers  failed to mow.

 Rule 2.d.6 (b)

A ball hitting a tree shall be deemed not to have hit the tree. This is

simply bad luck and luck has no place in a scientific game. The senior

player must estimate the distance the ball would have travelled if it

had not hit the tree and play the ball from there.

 Rule 3.b.3 (g)

There shall be no such thing as a lost ball. The missing ball is on or

near the course and will eventually be found and pocketed by someone

else, making it a stolen ball. The player is not to compound the felony

by charging himself or herself with a penalty.

 Rule 4.c.7 (h)

If a putt passes over a hole without dropping, it is deemed to have

dropped. The law of gravity supersedes the Rules of Golf.

 Rule 5.

Putts that stop close enough to the cup that they could be blown in,

may be blown in. This does not apply to balls more than three inches

from the hole. No one wants to make a travesty of the game.

 Rule 6.a.9 (k)

There is no penalty for so-called "out of bounds." If penny-pinching

golf clubs bought sufficient land, this would not occur. The

senior golfer deserves an apology, not a penalty.

 Rule 7.g.15 (z)

There is no penalty for a ball in a water hazard, as golf balls

should float. Senior golfers should not be penalised for

manufacturers' shortcomings.

 Rule 8.k.9(s)

Advertisements claim that golf scores can be improved by purchasing new

golf equipment. Since this is financially impracticable for many senior

golfers, one-half stroke per hole may be subtracted for using old





Newsletter 7 –  September 2012

 To all Senior members and Paul!!!

 Another month into the wettest summer in 100 years and the activity in our section continues unabated. It is really pleasing to see more new members who are joining us and enjoying the golf and the social banter our section is renowned for. It was also very pleasing to see Gerry Sadler, Tim Thornton and Glen Brown back at the club and on the road to recovery. Hopefully the others who are unable to play at the moment will soon be back with us.

 So what has happened over the last month? August is always a very busy month and this year has seen some outstanding performances both individually and as a team. The Eclectic competition has developed into one of the closest for many years. As we approach the last two rounds there are still at least 12 people within three shots of the lead in the net and also the gross competition is very close. This is exactly what the competition is designed to do and without doubt it will not be sorted until the last instalment in October.

 Another major event in the last few weeks was the Senior Open. I really want to thank everybody who supported this competition, but especially Richard Whitehead who was the force behind the event. The entry of 80 was, I believe, a record turnout and the overall ambience throughout the day was excellent. The course was in good condition, but as has happened so many times this year, the weather decided to make life difficult for all. In the conditions we had, the fact that 74 players completed the event was highly commendable. However, one of the most impressive things was the winning score of 40 points from a ¾ handicap. It was good to see it was one of our own members – Julian Baker.

 In our Senior Matches we have continued the good form and the overall record now stands at:

 Played 17                  Won    9                      Drawn                 2                             Lost        6

 During this period we played the return fixture for the SilverEdge Trophy which we had lost last year. We took a lead of 4 – 2 into the fixture at Cherwell, but we were very conscious of the challenge that faced us. We rarely win there because home advantage is considerable, but this year a magnificent performance saw us win by 4.5 – 1.5. This gave us an overall victory of 8.5 to 3.5. Now we have set our sights on regaining the Three Locks trophy in September. At present we have had 38 members supporting the Senior Team by participating in these matches. With 5 matches remaining it is still not too late to join in.  My thanks to all those who are supporting me in these matches.   

The latest competition we have been involved in was The Tiggy Trophy on Sunday 9th September. This competition pits teams from all the sections of the club in a Stableford competition with the best four scores to count. The Seniors’ team acquitted themselves very well and the result was as follows:  

                                                  1st Ladies 152 pts     2nd Seniors 139 pts      3rd Men 138pts          4th Juniors 135 pt

Thanks to Richard Whitehead, Don Bucknall, Alan Truscott, Barrie Hancock and Ken Swift for supporting me in this event.

 We are fast approaching the last few major events of the year. One of these is the Charity Day on Friday 21st September. It is not too late to join in if you fancy it. We have 5 teams from the section at the moment, but we could always accommodate more. Entry fee is £30 per person with proceeds from us going to The Helen & Douglas House Hospice for Children. Other ways you can support is by providing prizes for the raffle or putting bids in for some of the items in the Charity Auction. Could be some good Xmas presents!! I have attached a list of the available lots and you can let me know if you are interested in any of them with an indication of the maximum amount you would be prepared to pay.

 The next Seniors event is the Richard Barrett Trophy which will be held on Wednesday 19th September. Many have already signed up with over 40 entrants on the sheet. However it is not too late to join in. The draw will take place this week and we will send the details out asap.

 Another fast approaching event is the Ladies/Seniors Texas Scramble on the 24th September. We already have a number of members wanting to play and although numbers will be restricted by the number of Ladies able to participate you can still express your interest to be included if possible either via the sheet on the notice board or by a quick email to me. We are also hoping to develop this by holding a Ladies/Seniors Away Day in October.  I will send out more details when we have confirmed date, venue and format so watch this space.

 Whilst we continue to meet and play social golf throughout the year, the only formal competitions we hold over the winter months are the Winter Doubles and Singles Comps. The entry form for these competitions is on the notice board so please get your names down asap. The draw for these will take place at the end of September.

 As we move towards the end of the competitive season I would just like to remind you of our major social event of the year. The Seniors Xmas Presentation Evening is scheduled for Thursday 13th December. Get the date in the diary and start to get your tux, evening dresses etc. out of the mothballs!!! It would be great to get a record number at the event so I hope you will be able to make it. Full details will follow in due course.

 Perhaps it’s just me, but I have noticed several amusing instances within our section recently. Many call them Senior Moments and I am sure we have all experienced such occasions. Anyone who says he hasn’t is a fibber!!!

 I thought I’d share a few…

 Trying to putt when you haven’t replaced marker with a ball!!

 Asking players to attend a match a month after the date on the sheet!!

 Stirring tea with two spoons in the cup.

 Thinking you have lost a ball when it’s in your hand.

Staff: Golf course, may I help you?
Caller: Yes, I'd like some info about your golf course.
Staff: OK, what would you like to know?
Caller: I don't know, that's why I called.

 However if you really want a laugh put Senior Moments by Golf Brooks into Google and sit back and enjoy.

 Happy golfing to you all.




Newsletter 6 – August 2012

 To all Senior members

 Well the Olympics are over and now we can look forward to Rio in 2016. Despite some good performances from members of our section recently I do not think we will be providing players for the golf in 2016!! The weather has improved although we still have had a couple of matches where waterproofs were an essential part of the equipment.

 In terms of matches our record is now P14 W 7 D 2 L 5. Hopefully we will be able to extend the gap between wins and losses in the last eight matches. There are still opportunities for others to play in the matches if you would like to. At present 35 different members have represented the section in these club matches so why don’t you join us? Next week sees the return match with Cherwell and although we are taking two point lead into the return we know it will be difficult to regain the Silveredge Trophy but we will do our best!

 The last month has also seen the completion of two of our major board competitions. We had 44 and 33 entrants in the Captains Cup and Senior Championship respectively which considering the way the weather has been was very pleasing. The results of these were as follows:

                    Senior Captains Cup                                                   Senior Championship

 1st                    John Bull                                                                     Alan Truscott

2nd                    Alan Truscott                                                              Nigel Slater

3rd                    John Rudland                                                              Phillip Berry

4th                    Geoff Spink                                                                Keith Panes

 Another very memorable result was on the 16th hole in the Senior Championship where Phil Berry scored a hole in one. Hopefully this will be recorded on the “Hole in One Board” which is being considered by the club.

 Having looked at the recent results it is now time to look at future competitions. The first is one I have recently written to you all about, namely, the Senior Open on Wednesday 29th August. As I have already stated the final date for entries is this week as we are doing the draw on Friday 15th. Please be aware that as we are hoping to have a shotgun start there will be no opportunity for general Senior golf on that day. We already have a good turnout for this but it would be great to have a record number so if you can please join us. It’s still not too late.

 Another of our main competitions will take place on Wednesday 19th September when we hold the Annual Richard Barrett Trophy which is a Stableford competition off Yellow tees. Once again please join in if possible as it is always good to have a high entry. The Entry form will be up on the board next week

 However the event which I hope as many as possible will support is the Charity Day on Friday 21st September. I have attached a letter we are using to send out to potential sponsors. If any of you have contacts in local firms or larger organisations who you feel may be willing to support this event please do send a copy to them. We are looking for help in a variety of ways including sponsoring a hole and Auction items. In addition the cost of £30 per person is I believe a really good one for all that we are offering and to support the charities. Please be aware that the Charity I have chosen for the Seniors is the Helen and Douglas Hospice which is aimed at children and young adults. I hope as many of you as possible will put your name down on the entry sheet and help raise funds for this deserving cause.

 Having covered results and future competitions it is now time to look at some of the more entertaining or memorable events from members during the last month. In reverse order they are as follows:

 3rd place

The Captain - for again showing his golfing prowess by taking 15 shots to reach the greenside bunker on the 14th having completed the first 13 holes in one over par net. What an example to you all!!!

 2nd Place

Peter Clarke for his exuberant victory dance when successful in a recent Seniors competition. I hope I will get the opportunity to follow his example in the near future.

 1st Place     Dick Deller!!!!!!!!!!!

 This man lost his trolley as he walked off the third green. “Where is my trolley” he exclaimed. After a search by all of his partners the trolley was found abandoned in a nearby bush. The motor had cut out and on seeking help he was advised that it may be best to look at another trolley and let this one go to the trolley park in the sky. Motto of this is to ensure that you know how to turn your trolley controls to off. I believe he is now adept at this so please see him for advice.

 Well that’s all for now folks but please try to support the section as much as you possibly can. To those who for various reasons are still unable to join us we all send best wishes and hope to see you back in the near future. I hope the newsletter helps to keep you in the loop. Finally to all members I am always looking for humorous items to include so please let me know of any you are aware of.

 Finally I was recently sent this joke which I thought I would share with you all

 Bill shares with his golf partner "I just got a new set of golf clubs for my wife!"

 The partner replies, "Great trade!"

 Best wishes and good golfing to you all



Newsletter 5 – July 2012

 To all Senior members

 Well as I start to write this it is no surprise that it is raining outside. Recently someone suggested that if I resigned as captain it might stop the rain. If only!!!!! Anyway despite the weather we seniors have battled on and there have been some very positive results in the section. Before I start to inform you of these I do think we should congratulate Martin and his team on maintaining the course so well in such terrible conditions.

 Since the last issue we have held the Memorial Trophy which was won by Paul Swain followed by Peter Ward, Clive Nicholls and Gerry Sadler  in 2nd, 3rd and 4th. However the main competition of the day was to see who could take the most shots on one hole. Ray Massey made a valiant attempt with a 10 on the par 3 8th only to be beaten by the captain who had 12 on the 5th!!!!

 The inter club matches continue to go well and the last two matches have seen two 5-1 wins against Weston Turville and Aylesbury Park. We are now halfway through the matches so there are still plenty of opportunities for you to join in if you so wish. The next round of matches in the singles and doubles is well underway and the dates for completion are on the notice board. If you haven’t played then do try not to leave it till the last moment.

 On the subject of competitions our next major one is the Captain’s Cup on Wednesday 18th July. Barrie will be publishing the draw later this week. There is already a good field but if you haven’t signed up and wish to take part it is not too late so let us know or sign the sheet at the club. In addition to that the list is now up for the Seniors Championship on Wednesday August 1st. The draw for this will take place on Friday 27th July. As usual if for any reason you are unable to sign the sheet but wish to be included please let Barrie, Richard or myself know.

 Our Captains week runs from Saturday 14th to Sunday 22nd and has a range of different competitions on offer so do get involved in some of them. On Thursday 19th there is a member & Guest day which is a good time to show your friends what a good course and club you belong to. In addition to the golf competitions there is the Captain’s Summer Party on Saturday 21st. The cost is £15 per head and includes a finger buffet and dancing to a five piece band. It would be great to get a good number of our section there so if you fancy joining us tickets are now on sale at the club.

 Other events which I would like to draw your attention to are as follows:

Wednesday August 29th – Seniors Open

Friday September 21st – Club Charity Day – Teams of four £120 – List up on the notice board so please help us to make this as successful a day as possible.

 For all those who were unable to join us you missed an excellent Vice-Captain’s Away day at Feldon Valley. It was a really enjoyable day, the weather was kind to us and a big thank you goes to Richard for all of his hard work in organising the event. A total of 39 Seniors and ladies took part with the result as follows:

Ladies winner – Pat Ward

Men’s winner – Julian Baker

 As most are aware during the last week of June an intrepid group of 26 Seniors ventured down to the Dorset Golf and Country Club. We were all concerned that the rain could scupper the trip but it did not and apart from a small shower on the Wednesday we remained dry. Although the course had suffered from the rain the standard of golf was very good and everyone enjoyed the challenges of the greens which were even better than our own at Silverstone. A great time was had by all and this was particularly so on the first evening when we celebrated Bernard’s 80th birthday. The accommodation was once again superb and the banter lived up to my expectations. The overall result for the Seniors Tour Championship was as follows:


1st – A Mustoe – 39 points   2nd – D Deller – 38 points    3rd – A Stewart – 36 points

In addition to the championship we also had a Texas Scramble, Dorset Waltz and individual stableford competitions which resulted in 22 of the 26 present winning a prize of some kind. Over the week we kept an eye on both on and off course events and the Dorset Awards for 2012 are now complete. They were:

 Dipstick Award  A Truscott  

 Ask him why!!!!

 Ronnie O Sullivan Pool Champion – Bernard Dearsley

 Barrie was devastated at losing in the final

 Best legs award           “Biggles” Wright

 Need I say more

 Best hangover of the week – Peter Smith

 The next day he played his best golf of the week. The moral of this story is??????

 Best legs award over 70s  - Don Bucknall

 As usual Don is so well prepared for any eventuality!

 If you want to see pictures from Dorset look on the website in the photo corner from next weekend when a selection of photos from both the memorial trophy and the Dorset trip will be available. I look forward to an improvement in the weather, an improvement in my golf and seeing you all up at the club in the near future. Good golfing to you all.

 Best wishes






Newsletter 4 – June 2012


 To all Senior members


 I am sure you have all been checking your inbox regularly for the latest instalment in the exploits of the members of Silverstone Seniors Section. Well here it is! Unfortunately the last few weeks have continued to be more notable for the rainfall rather than the golf. I am sure the heat wave is just around the corner. Please don’t hold me to that


 Despite this there is still quite a bit to inform you of. There are on-going developments in the clubhouse with the members night on the last Wednesday of each month. This is your opportunity to win some great prizes and have a game of Bingo to cover the cost of the night. It is an attempt to get the different sections of the club meeting and socialising. On the first night the Seniors were well represented but if you can make it in future do come along. Remember to get your raffle tickets every time you buy a drink.


 Another social event that is just round the corner is the Captain’s Summer Party. Details and tickets will be available soon. It is being held at the end of Captains Week on Saturday 21st July. I am confident it will be a good night so I hope as many of you as possible will come along and celebrate with Steve, Pat and Myself.


 Now to golf business. As I write this it is only a few days to the Vice Captains Away Day at Feldon Valley. Richard has put a lot of work into this and is promising good golf, good prizes and good company. All we need is good weather or at least a break in the rain so let’s hope we are lucky. You should all be aware of your tee times etc. but if at all unsure or have any other questions contact Richard on 07712 772808.


 We also have the Memorial Trophy on Wednesday and this has a very good entry level with over 40 members involved. If you have not got your name down there may be a few places at the end of the field. In addition the Dorset Experience is less than two weeks away and hopefully the weather will be kind to us all


 We continue to play regular matches and at present we stand at played 8, Won 4, Drawn 1 and Lost 3.


I am pleased to say that since the last newsletter we have played Cherwell Edge in the first leg of the Silveredge Trophy and are taking a 4-2 lead into the return at Cherwell later in the year. Let’s hope we can regain the trophy and then do the same against The Three Locks. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported me in these matches. At present we have had 31 members play in these games. There is still room for more so if you wish to take part look at the notice board and get your name down. You should try to be available for both home and away although it is not essential, just desirable.


 Don’t forget the fourth round of the Eclectic is due on the 20th. At present Andy Stewart leads both the  Gross  and Net Competitions closely followed by Paul Swain and Dick Deller respectively. The Singles and Doubles matches are being completed and with only just over a week left to the Singles deadline it is important that the final matches are played. The closing date is June 24th and then the Second round of the singles and the first round of the Plate will be drawn. I am sure you are all trembling at the thought of being drawn against me in the Plate competition but don’t worry I’ll be kind.


 After the Memorial Trophy the next of the major competitions for us is The Senior Captains Cup on Wednesday 18th July. The entry form will be on the notice board very soon so please keep your eyes peeled and sign up. This competition is part of the Club Captains Week and there will be lots of other competitions including a member and guest day on Thursday 19th and the Summer Solstice on the 20th.


August is the most busy and exciting month for competitions so once again keep your eyes on the notice board for full details of the events being held in that month.


 The final reminder re events is for the Club Charity Day which is on Friday 21st September. Details are available in the club house but I just wanted to raise your awareness of the event. Overall we are supporting three charities but the one I have chosen for the Seniors is Helen & Douglas House Hospice for children and young adults. The cost for the day is £120 per team of four. Put it in you diary!


 I am not sure how many of you have actually looked at the club website. We are trying to develop the Senior Section and now have information on a range of topics posted onto the site. It is well worth looking at and also offers the opportunity for each of you to see your own individual results over the last few months and general club /senior results. It did take me a little time to find these so I am going to give you the steps required. If you have any ideas as to how the site can be improved I would be pleased to hear from you.


a)      Click Members pages followed by Seniors.


b)      Then click the Competition results and enter your details. Your CDH No is on your card and the password is your name


c)      Once into the site click the Handicap button and the details will then all be available to you.


 As is always the case some of our members for a variety of reasons are unable to play at moment. Those affected at present are Tim Thornton, Richard Conway-Hyde, Glen Brown and Jim Barber. We hope that in the near future they will be back swinging clubs and enjoying the Seniors banter.


 Finally we come to the point I am sure you are all waiting for. Unfortunately after last month I did receive a comment about why I was highlighting only Gerry so I have decided to make it a double act and instead of Tom and Jerry it will be the Don and Gerry Update!!!


 These two legends have had a mixed month. I am pleased to say that Gerry has broken his duck and has won a match in the inter club competitions. I did try to break the duck by pairing him with Don but it didn’t work. In fact each blamed the other. However, Don has not done a great deal better despite being one of the Senior Sections finest golfers with only one win out of the last four. Nevertheless they are both doing better than the Captain!!! They also both offer so much support and advice and Don is always willing to share his expertise. I can personally vouch for this as he has significantly improved my driving. Do I hear some say that that is not difficult? If however you don’t need advice do just come along and enjoy the friendly banter between these two.


 Next month we will have a special report on the Seniors Trip to Dorset with the Seniors alternative to the Oscars. Watch this space and good golfing to you all.









Newsletter 3 – May 2012


 To all Senior members


 Here is the latest newsletter aimed at keeping all members of our section informed of both the progress of the section and forthcoming events. 


 As you are all aware the last few weeks have been quite disappointing re weather unless you are a gardener or shareholder in a Water Board!! Unfortunately we have had to cancel three of our matches although we are doing our best to rearrange them. In fact the Chiltern Forest away match has been provisionally rearranged for 23rd July.


 In addition to this as you are aware I did take the decision to postpone the Memorial Trophy on 9th May due to the condition of the course. I think it is important that all members of the section have the opportunity to play in this competition and as a result we have rearranged it for Wednesday June 13th. Barrie has put a new sheet up for this so please get your name down by 6th June at the latest. We will publish the draw on the board that day and then send out via email. If for any reason you are unable to visit the club before that date do let Barrie or I know and we will add you to the list.


 The preliminary rounds of both the Singles and Doubles have now been completed and the First Round Draw is displayed at the club. We did have a couple of players who unfortunately had to forfeit their games. To try and avoid this I would strongly advise you to consider getting your matches played as early as possible. This is especially true in the singles as the period possible for matches is shorter than for the doubles as we also need to get the Plate competition underway.


 The third round of the Eclectic is due for next Wednesday 16th May. At present Dick Deller is leading the Net Stableford competition while the ever dependable Don Bucknall heads the Gross competition. If you wish to see your own scores the results are posted on the Web page after each round.


 Another important date for you all is the 20th Anniversary Medalford which will be held on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd of June. This will celebrate the opening of the course and the good news is that all members whether 5 or 7 day can join in this competition. In teams of four, the first day will be a medal with three players scoring on each hole and then the following day a Stableford with same conditions. It will be a great weekend so let’s try to get several Senior teams in there to show the rest of the club how strong a section we are. If you would like to play but haven’t got a team of four let us know and we will do our best to help.


 Also a couple of days after the Memorial Trophy we have the Vice Captains Away Day at Feldon Valley (15th June). Richard has done a lot of work arranging this and the uptake has been very good but if you want to go but haven’t got your name down yet it is still not too late. The cost is £35 for food, golf and prizes which needs to be paid to Barrie by 31st May (Cheques payable to Silverstone Golf Club Seniors)


 The other fast approaching event is the Seniors’ Dorset Golf Trip. 28 members will be spending four days in Dorset in the last week of June. Once again Bill Curl has done an excellent job in organising and liaising with the resort. I will send the arrangements and relevant details to all those going before the end of the month. Hopefully it will be a dry June!    


One event which is in the distant future, but which we need you all to be thinking about is our Senior Open on the 29th August. This year the cost will be £25 for visitors and £15 for members to include prize fund, bacon roll and coffee before your round of golf and then a meal along with the prize presentations. This is an ideal time to bring your friends along to enjoy our course and hospitality. Hopefully as many members as possible will take advantage of this opportunity.


 The Senior shirts have arrived and most have now been collected although the sizes did surprise some members! A few people have asked about the availability of the Seniors’ sleeveless jumpers which we had last year. I have discussed this with Rodney and we can get some more in if there is a demand for them. The price has not been finalised but would be £30-35 so I will put a list on the board and if you are interested please sign up.


 I hope to see you all at as many of these events as possible.


Good luck and good golfing to you all



Terry Neve (Senior Captain)


Newsletter 2 – April 2012

To all Senior members


Here is the second newsletter aimed at keeping all members of our section informed of both the progress of the section and forthcoming events. 


Generally it has been a very good start to the season with some good golf being played by a number of people. Special mention here should be made to Paul Swain who recently achieved an ambition and played to level par. The following week Gerry Sadler achieved a creditable net 62. This would suggest that there are going to be some good competitions during the season. Let’s hope we can all improve on our current handicap and enjoy good weather and good golf.


I would also like to congratulate Alan Mustoe who beat Richard Whitehead recently in the Winter Singles Final. On that note the Summer Singles and Doubles are already underway with the preliminary rounds on the board. I would like to stress again the need for all members to be proactive in ensuring their match is completed by the scheduled date. Remember that the preliminary round of the singles must be completed by the 6th of May – Only three weeks away!


We have already started the inter club matches and have won the first two against Brampton Heath and Windmill Hill. The other great thing is that of the twelve group matches played we have only lost one. There are lots of matches coming up and we always need additional players to choose from so do put your name down for any matches you would like to be considered for.


The turnout for the first two rounds of the Eclectic has been very good with 35+ entries. With a different competition every week I hope we can maintain this level of participation. The first of our major board competitions will take place on Wednesday 9th May –“ Senior Memorial Trophy”. The tee times will be drawn and published a week in advance (May 2nd). To ensure we meet this deadline please note that the final day for entry will be Monday 30th April. The form is on the notice board so please sign up. If for any reason you cannot do this but wish to be included in the draw please e- mail either Barrie or myself.


Another great opportunity for a good day’s golf for all members is the Vice Captain’s Away Day. This has been arranged for 15th June at Feldon Valley Golf Club. It is a mixed event with some ladies also joining us. Richard is putting a lot of effort into the organisation of this so please do get your name on the list to support him and help make it a really successful day.


The Senior section shirts have been ordered and it is hoped they will arrive in the next couple of weeks. Altogether 27 members have taken advantage of this opportunity. They will need to pay Barrie £17.50 and then pick up the shirt from the pro shop. A notice will be sent out as soon as they are available.


We have now set up the Senior Section on the web site and as I asked Don to let me have some photos from his collection. We will be putting a selection onto the web site but I thought you might like to see a few in advance. Any alternative captions gratefully received. I would suggest you go and look at the web site – You will be able to see results – look at your handicap adjustments etc. Please remember it is a work in progress but if you have any suggestions let me know.


Terry Neve (Senior Captain)

Newsletter 1 – March 2012


To all Senior members

 Hope you are all well and playing good golf - at least better than me!!

 I thought it would be good idea to update you with some of the events and opportunities available to you all.

There are some cut off dates which for the efficiency of organisation will be strictly adhered to.


1) Summer Doubles and Singles - We already have a good uptake for these competitions but if you haven't signed up and you wish to be included please make sure your name is on the list by March 25th

 2) Competitions - The first of this seasons competitions is on Wednesday 21st March. - First round of the eclectic

 3) Matches - The list for the first match of the season against Brampton Heath is on the notice board. We already have more names than places but if you do wish to be considered please put your name up (Closing date Friday 23rd March). For those not selected for this match they will be assured of selection for the next match they sign up for. I will be keeping records to ensure that all Seniors who wish to take part in club matches get equal opportunities. It is great fun so please join in if you are interested in this aspect of our section.

 4) Senior Section Shirts. - We are in the process of compiling an order for some shirts for the section. You can see the sample in the pro shop and this will help you decide on the size. Check carefully as they do appear to be larger than normal shirts. The list is on the notice board. Please put your name on with your required shirt size. The cost for the shirts is normally £22.50 but for the initial order we are able to provide them for members of the section at £17.50. The final date for signing up is Wednesday 28th March. Hopefully we will get them quickly and be able to use them as team shirts for most of the season.

 5) Change of Dates - Please be advised of the following alterations to our calendar:


Matches v Weston Turville- Away Thursday 3rd May / Home Thursday 13th September


Senior Charity day (Wed 3rd Oct) is now being incorporated into the club charity day. Precise details will be forwarded at a later date.


6) Further update of other clubs Open Events is attached. Please be aware of our own Open on Wednesday 29th August. Please try to bring some visitors along so that we can make this into a really successful event. Richard will be organising this so for further info please see him.


7) Finally congratulations to our first winners of the year:


Winter Plate  - Julian Baker beat Dick Deller


Winter Doubles - Barrie Hancock & Dick Deller  beat Alan Chappell & Geoff Spink


The final of the winter singles is between Alan Mustoe and Richard Whitehead. Good luck to them both


I think that is enough of me rabbiting on so I will close now and look forward to seeing you all at our events in the near future.


Best wishes

