Membership Rates & Info



Silverstone Golf Club membership information pages

Whether you are new to golf or have been playing for many years, Silverstone Golf Club offers the very best in camaraderie


Whether you are a social golfer who wishes to play with friends or a

competitive golfer who likes competition Silverstone Golf Club is an ideal choice.


You may also like to visit our Members section pages for Ladies, Seniors, and Gentlemen, just click on menu item.


Full 7 day or 5 day

A One off yearly fee that can be paid either monthly or with 3 cheques or outright whichever suits your preference.

There are no greenfees to pay, just come and play golf whenever your category allows.

Concessions for age or disability*

 If you would like to speak to our Professional staff who can run you through the finer points of each membership and what suits your pocket/lifestyle. Please call Mark or Rodney on 01280 850005.

Alternatively please complete email request below and we will contact you



Also catch up with us on  facebook or instagram

 *applications for concessions must be submitted in writing to the steering committee for consideration.